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VisualMod t1_jec7t14 wrote

Banks are failing: this is bullish because it means that there will be more consolidation in the industry and fewer competitors. Interest rates rising: this is also bullish, as it indicates that the economy is growing and inflationary pressures are building. Experiencing high inflation: again, this is bullish, as it suggests that demand for goods and services is increasing faster than the supply. Y R Dovish monetary policies?: Bullish because they suggest that central banks are willing to support economic growth by keeping interest rates low. Hawkish monetar (policies?: Also bullish because they indicate that central banks believe the economy can handle higher interest rates without slowing down too much. On the brink of World War III?: Surprisingly, even a potential global conflict could be seen as positive for markets if investors believe it will lead to increased military spending and an expansion of government debt issuance


FoxTheory t1_jed3nvx wrote



HardOverTheTOP t1_jedcjli wrote

Fuckin insane when AI flips your sarcastic bullet points to factual


shadow_p t1_jedmtxw wrote

Proves you can rationalize anything


Durtly t1_jeg5w2e wrote

When I started learning about all this one of the first things I noticed was that every opinion had a counter or a qualifier. Often in the same publication, occasionally in the same article.

And two weeks later, no-one cared at all about what was said.


darkmoose t1_jeds6a5 wrote

Bullish as it means the meek shall rule, indicating low unemployment and high production giving the cony a boost as they can compete better in the global market...

If you look for it, anything is bullish, until people are eating each other.


robulusprime t1_jee63as wrote


Bullish as it means we are adopting innovative and green agricultural policies to affect global food shortages. The decrease in total population will also reduce global warming and provide fuller employment later on.


Jamber_Jamber t1_jed4zj1 wrote

How's a reply bot do a typo, though?


the__storm t1_jedem72 wrote

The typos are from the OCR. It can't read OP's shitty font on top of the images.

(Still theoretically possible for language models to make "typos" because they exist in the training data, but very unlikely )


OfficialMcMerica t1_jedeo7a wrote

Economics is a social science for this reason - you can argue either schools of thought with valid data on either side.

Higher rates and inflation can also mean less institutional borrowing, less consumer spending, and less earnings. We are also at historic levels that carry risks we don't even know.

War can drive up energy and defense stocks, but it can also crash the overall market. Not to mention a China conflict could set the U.S back decades technologically if we lose.

Social unrest, an upcoming election (market typically acts mixed and dips leading up to elections for the uncertainty). June- we have a debt ceiling "show" to watch.

This is why I no longer listen to analysts - along with seeing bribery practices in the industry (pay for ratings).

Do your own homework and be willing to change views. That's all I can say. Like Jimbo always says "be a bull, be a bear, but don't be a pig"


M_fra_NN t1_jef32w2 wrote

The Ferengi said it first: War is good for buisness. Peace is good for buisness. img


TelMeEverything t1_jeczi49 wrote

The stock market is made to inherently go up by default.

Seems like a lot of people in the sub are missing this key piece of information.


OfficialMcMerica t1_jedfmar wrote

That's why holding individual stocks long typically has better returns than trading (more certainty on longer horizons).

This country will never get rid of inflation or the debt, but this ensures the market will continue upwards until the end of our economy.

I do swing trade, but we live in a very unique time I think. Some of these stocks will balloon like bitcoin. Like dot com, many companies will fail and go under. But there will be mad acquisitions and winners in our lifetime if you find good concepts, take a risk, and hold.


Etheralto t1_jedfda0 wrote

Well yeh, most everyone here is really really dumb


vegaseller t1_jeeuebt wrote

only because of the rise of indexation and passive 401k flows.


gnnr25 t1_jefy1vh wrote

You must be new here?

For the better part of 2 years the mantra of this sub has been:

Stonks Only Go Up


TelMeEverything t1_jeg9mjq wrote

I haven't been hearing that at all in the sub over the last 15 months... My friend might be time for it to return tho


NRA-4-EVER t1_jeca3ec wrote

As long as more people buying than selling this is true. It's all about PR. People would still buying enron if they'd had better publicity.


Lucyferiusz t1_jee0ckx wrote

Have you heard about that amazing Silicon Valley startup that will revolutionize blood testing?


LetterSlight t1_jef16pu wrote

If the money printer is on things are good which is bullish. If thing are bad the money printer is more likely to turn on, which is also bullish.

The market’s two states are money printer on and money printer likely to go on there is no other line of thinking.


kenbmw623 t1_jef7r63 wrote

At this point the market is so desensitized and hungry for 10x gains that their is just no simple way it continues to go down! And if it does... WE CONTINUE TO BUY AND MAKE EVEN GREATER GAINS WHEN IT GO UP!


BeautifulNo6680 t1_jecalyq wrote

I wouldn't make a bet on the end of the world. It only comes along once and the odds are stacked against you.


nchal111 t1_jee3nka wrote

They only go up till I start buying calls .


BeautifulNo6680 t1_jeca6ei wrote

You just figured that out? Unless you want to bet against America. That's why they call it being Short. Because stocks down is short term.


That-Whereas3367 t1_jeccn9v wrote

Only if you ignore inflation. The market takes 15-30 years to fully recover from a recession in real terms.


gogogetterdawg t1_jecag0v wrote

3/30/23: Economic indicators: US unemployment benefits ticked up for the first time in three weeks, suggesting some softening in what’s still a robust labor market. Only about a quarter of unemployed US workers applied for jobless benefits in 2022, suggesting unemployment claims could be much higher. And US corporate profits declined in the fourth quarter, while the GDI, a key gauge of economic activity stumbled.


asianrockstar2009 t1_jedr8fg wrote

After experiencing the covid debacle there's no event that can top that clusterfuck. Majority of dips will be bought up. So the mkt will be very resilient to any bad news due to everyone knowing that it'll rebound eventually.


AlwaysRighteous t1_jed7ml2 wrote

There were 563 bank failures from 2001 through 2023.

That's what happens during downturns.

Inflation is what did them in this time, they thought they made safe bets on stable gov't bonds, but when rates skyrocket, the coupon tumbles and they go underwater.

Funny thing, that fractional reserve banking that divides by zero.


DaddyChiiill t1_jedeq44 wrote

Breaking the laws of economics? Bullish


rjsheine t1_jederlm wrote

So you’re learning


AeFip t1_jeegqtf wrote

The stock market bases a lot on +1 year out.

Banks: not failing anymore

Rates: going down in a year

Inflation: Peaked in June last year

WW3: meh


farquadsleftsandal t1_jegbovc wrote

Everyone is attempting to sell their equities, real assets, and crypto at the same time and nobody is buying? Bullish


Questitron_3000 t1_jedqgmy wrote

Definitely a thing that might possibly be happening. img


poopycakes t1_jedt7ho wrote

Dumb question but could a large increase in passive automated investing in mutual funds help cushion the market? I always wondered what would happen if everyone started doing this.


angel_of_tnt t1_jedzon6 wrote

Did you know after the declaration off ww2 by germany the US stockmarket was also bullish


xxpatrixxx t1_jeewun3 wrote

The cool fact here is that this bullish for everyone except the workers at Wendy’s. I salute you soldiers!


Ayy_boi3 t1_jefeh90 wrote

Except that no other banks failed, inflation continues lower every month and that we aren't on the brink of world war 3. Bears once again with their 100 excuses ready for why they are regarded and not dollar cost averaging into assets every day


Avalarz t1_jefhh6o wrote

We have the best economy in the world… because of brrrrrrr


dkrich t1_jefhnat wrote

I keep saying the same thing. Go to your closest Costco. Ask yourself if you think there’s a recession


Careless-Pin-2852 t1_jefv6ea wrote

I dont think the USA and EU are on the brink of ww3. Or I think we are already in it and winning. Short of nukes Russia has nothing left to use.


b_rey13 t1_jegdswy wrote



lynkarion t1_jegsw1s wrote

bear market? also bullish because that means that we can only go up from here