
OisforOwesome t1_j9mvydc wrote

That is incredibly fucking ignorant of you but I don't have the time or energy to explain how some people work two or three jobs but still don't have enough money to pay for health insurance, and even if they did, how little coverage cheap plans actually offer.

The USA is the only country in the world where "medical bankruptcy" is a thing and thats a fucking crime.


OisforOwesome t1_j9e2hiz wrote

Define "decent" and ask yourself who is allowed to earn "decently."

There already exists a massive divide between the rich and poor. The thing thats changed, is that the middle class is getting squeezed as well.

The corporate oligopoly don't want some of the money. They want all of the money. Thats going to leave less and less for working people.

As the contradictions between the promises and realities of capitalism become more apparent, the violence will only increase: the USA already had one attempted coup and one months long uprising against police brutality. This is only going to increase.

As climate change continues unabated the extreme weather events are going to get more frequent and more extreme.

The question you are actually asking is, "do I earn enough money to isolate myself from all this" and I'm afraid unless you're a multi millionaire the answer is no.


OisforOwesome t1_j40e3nr wrote

This is one of those cases where historical accuracy would have made the show better.

If the showrunners had cared at all about making the Dothraki a credible threat, a few scenes of them doing actual Mongol horse archery stuff would have gone a long way to establishing why everyone in Westeros was frightened of them instead of that being an informed attribute.