
Ok_Fox_1770 t1_j9x4lsd wrote

I’ve nearly avoided several tractor trailer flying plywood sized sheets of ice, the swerve fest those cause in traffic… if I can get a damn 6’ ladder to clean my milk truck style van roof off at 6 am everyone should be.


Ok_Fox_1770 t1_j94zrit wrote

They keep raising my mortgage and I’m gonna have to raise rent tomorrow on my guy after 7 years. Gonna be a fart in a funeral moment for sure. Living alone is hard. I see why guys die early. 50 hr weeks to be at 0. I’m so tired. Prob be in tax debt for workin so much. Even better than zero. having negative fake money.


Ok_Fox_1770 t1_j625ak9 wrote

AI coming in like Napster and same reaction from artists, but it’s here, and boy it ramped up fast from making weird pictures with melted eyes, be neat to ai create your own AAA game with such ease one day, it’s gonna change all forms of media making waves but it’s here. Ai chat said it will be possible to convert brain to digital data but knows shit about emotions or food joys, it lacks human qualities, more like an autistic friend. See where it goes. Already calls us animals…


Ok_Fox_1770 t1_j27eo8x wrote

Been good all year… 2 cheat days in a row of just all the treats wrecked me for days. Total sugar crash out. Don’t even drink anymore haha, the cheese platter got me dog. Put me down with the pepperoni