
OneHumanPeOple t1_j78in4m wrote

Same here with the ADHD. After about 5pm, I can no longer understand what’s being said to me. If the TV and my husband are both speaking, their sentences blend together into one. Sometimes the things people say will blend with my own internal monologue. It ends up like word salad. I often reply, “I heard you speaking to me, but I didn’t understand what you said.” It pusses my family off to an extreme extent. I’m fine in the morning though. Lol.


OneHumanPeOple t1_j652rxg wrote

Agreed. His humor is about be outlandishly perverted which lands differently now. The one thing we might miss is episodes like interdimensional cable where he’s just drunk in a sound booth making up random shit like Gazorpazorpfield just spewing random insults at John. I imagine an impressionist they hire as a voice actor wouldn’t be expected to create in that way. But that one guy (tik tok fella idk his name) does seem to be able to ad-lib very well and genuinely understand the characters


OneHumanPeOple t1_j4x6kif wrote

I experienced a similar problem but was not an Ez-pass holder. I was missinformed and believed erroneously that Delaware was using toll by plate.

I did have it forgiven. I quickly got a PA EZ-Pass and sent a check for the $4 and a copy of my account balance on the EZ-pass, but I whited out the opening date. PA puts another date at the bottom of the form that corresponds to your toll-by-plate customer date. Delaware sent me a nice letter saying I was forgiven. Thank fucking GOD!


OneHumanPeOple t1_j4goedd wrote

Jawn replaces any noun.

It can be used as code so that two people can openly discuss a secret topic. Example: “Pass me that jawn” where the jawn is a marijuana consumption device.

It can also be used when a person is referring to an object but isn’t sure what the object is called. It replaces other nonsense words like thingamajig, or Doohickey.


OneHumanPeOple t1_j4gkoic wrote

It doesn’t answer that question because it supposes that there is no legal means by which an 18 year old could possess a cigar in Pennsylvania. An 18 year old who legally obtained a cigar out of state would not be in violation of any law, nor would the furnisher of said cigar be in violation. That said, tobacco is disgusting.