
t1_j39rlya wrote

I remember calculating this in a ChemE class. If a bath tub of water no currents at all in it, any given molecule at one end would take something like six million years to diffuse to the other end. Any bulk current at all reduces the time to tens of seconds.

Please someone check me? It was an in-class problem in 1984 thanks for the memories Dr. Knickle & Coach


t1_j1cb95f wrote

Howard and mister Carlin would watch the Bob newhart show

Ted would watch Mary Tyler Moore

Jan would watch the Brady bunch

Gob would watch arrested development but hate it

Gilligan would watch Gilligan's island until he accidentally broke the tv

Cliff would watch Cheers but neglect to tell anyone else it existed

Tucker Carlson would watch himself, obviously

Jay Pritchett would secretly watch married with children

Janet would watch the good place to learn about it

Dean Sanderson would obviously watch the Grinder, and obviously so would Timothy Olyphant