
Orcus424 t1_jec02hd wrote

That episode made a lot less sense in college. I thought fraternities were for everyone who wanted to join. In reality they are for the rich and well off students. Those who are struggling to pay for tuition aren't in fraternities or sororities. When you realize that you see that one guy messing with Carlton is just playing the struggling guy. I've seen that trope in various shows. The rich kid playing a poor kid kind of deal.


Orcus424 t1_j7so3rc wrote

> The potential series, which is produced in-house at CBS Studios, revolves around legendary talk radio host and happily divorced “Poppa” (Wayans) who has his point of view challenged at work when a new female co-host is hired and at home where he finds himself still parenting his adult son (Wayans Jr.), a brilliant dreamer who is trying to pursue his passion while being a responsible father and husband.

Going for the Boomer knows best kind of show with the Xennial not having their act together. They are definitely go for the old CBS crowd.


Orcus424 t1_j5v4irr wrote

The government is building it not some company trying to make a profit. They are doing something to help their citizens. I know that sounds like an odd thing depending on what country you are living in.

> So while spending €60 million on an underwater bike garage might still seem like an impossible luxury for most cities, in Amsterdam it’s more like a sound infrastructure investment. “It’s a drop in the bucket compared to investments for highway expansions,” Glaser says, “not to mention the societal public health costs of congestion, car crashes and car dependency.”


Orcus424 t1_ix8se26 wrote

> According to court filings, Schaefer was initially at the house of a woman he had met on Tinder on 6 January 2021 in Alexandria, Virginia, about 20 minutes outside of Washington DC.

> Schaefer then reportedly saw the attack on the Capitol on television and called an Uber to take him there so he could participate.

> When Schaefer arrived at the Capitol, prosecutors say that he climbed a short wall and gained access to the Capitol building through a broken window.

Sounds like he left the Tinder date to go to the US Capitol riots. Unless she went with him the date was over.