
Orefinejo t1_ja5wkgi wrote

Its a completely different skill from reading. I have struggled with full length books, but do fine with short stories and podcasts, probably because they are less intricate and short fiction has fewer characters to keep track of.


Orefinejo t1_iye322z wrote

I once heard a poet laureate in an interview (I can't remember who - this was about 20 years ago) who said the worst thing you can do to a poem is give it to an english teacher. They will make you look for all sorts of things that probably aren't in it. I felt vindicated for hating my lit classes, even though I love literature.


Orefinejo t1_iuyiub0 wrote

Is it a question of a flagging attention span? Perhaps start small like with short stories or lengthy magazine articles if you want NF, then work your way back up to novels. Good luck!