Submitted by boxer_dogs_dance t3_zuz2u1 in books

I was recently disappointed with the book list function in the kindle app. I told it to save book titles for me and I return later and only about 40 percent of the content is there. This defeats the purpose.

How do you keep track of the many recommendations and possible intriguing books to read? I want the names saved so I can make an informed choice between good options later. I could use an excel sheet but I would prefer to not have to move from my phone to my desktop if I am not already there.

The wealth of book related content here is amazing but I want to manage it effectively. What do you do?



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LowObligation6556 t1_j1m2i5o wrote

I use GoodReads to save the books I’d like to purchase. I created shelves like ‘tbr classics’ ‘tbr fiction’ ‘tbr non-fiction’ so I know exactly where to look when in need for a new book


threyx t1_j1n3q1l wrote

^ in addition to this, I go through my want to read list at least once a year and pare it down. My interest in certain books wanes over the years, and something I marked as “to read” when I was 19 might not hold the same appeal now, so it helps to do some spring cleaning and reevaluation.


hannah_nj t1_j1n89cv wrote

I do this too — sort my “want to read” list by date added and start with the books I added longest ago. A lot of the time I find sequels to series that I’ve abandoned in there 😂


Violet2393 t1_j1n6kod wrote

I use Goodreads for this as well. Then when I'm trying to decide what to read, I look through lists based around the current theme or genre I'm wanting to read and all the books on that list that are already on my TBR are clearly marked for me. It makes it so much easier to narrow down my choices and actually read the books from my TBR.


Zappagrrl02 t1_j1ntvwz wrote

I’ve also switched to GoodReads. I used to use an excel spreadsheet but find that goodreads is easier to access from anywhere including mobile devices. Even though you can access Google sheets (or other cloud based spreadsheet) from your phone, I don’t think it’s as easy to use.

My library also lets me create a wishlist through their digital library (they use overdrive), so I’ll peruse the new releases every so often and add them to my wishlist there so I can keep track of what is available there and I’ll put holds on things that I really want to read.


Relevant-Green-1607 t1_j1rjd3t wrote

I really like the way GoodReads is organized. It helps me keep track of what I want to read and what I’ve already read SO well.


whisky_in_your_water t1_j1orqwf wrote

Same. I also have an extension for my library, so I'll check if there's anything available there before ordering a book or something.


mzieg t1_j1m4wo1 wrote

I add them to my Amazon Wishlist, forget about them, then am confused come Christmas morning.


KimBrrr1975 t1_j1ojf86 wrote

If the issue is people getting books you forgot you added, just make the list private.


[deleted] t1_j1m2n0n wrote

StoryGraph 😊. I like the simplicity of the app, and the ease of use when it comes to adding books to the backlog.


tree-potato t1_j1n7ais wrote

Storygraph is the way. Indie alternative to Goodreads that doesn't put money in Bezos' pocket, is actively updated with new features, and provides all the info a data-tracking nerd could want. It is such a great app!


Luvnecrosis t1_j1osd72 wrote

Downloaded it because of your comment and the one before it. Thank you a lot!


sevl t1_j1nn0te wrote

I've switched to this from goodreads last week and I'm so happy.

The recommendation engine seems so much more refined and organic


BananzaBean t1_j1obgua wrote

It also allows you to search your to-read section so you can pick what you are in the mood for


mtor20 t1_j1qbqwv wrote

I love The Storygraph. As another poster said, it's independent and if you have the premium membership you can sort all kinds of ways and choose based on the "mood" of the book you want to read. I use the tagging feature to label titles for various bookclubs and so on.

Forgot to add that you can import everything from Goodreads on the free version. I have something like 1700 books on my TBR so this was very useful.😂


keerthanasl t1_j1tf1os wrote

It's the best alternative to Amazon's GoodReads imo. I particularly love the graph features that help me keep track of what I'm reading (genre, author, length, format), I live entering the give-aways, and the recommendations are so much better. Also, if anyone is considering leaving the Amazon ecosystem, you can import your entire goodreads library to storygraph.


wisdommaster1 t1_j1m241e wrote

I use Goodreads to track my books read and my to read list


Llamallamacallurmama t1_j1m32an wrote

I use a spreadsheet I made through google drive. I’ve tried all the apps, and this just works better for me- it’s more customizable, easily searchable, and I can pull it up on my phone.


asianinindia t1_j1m3elh wrote

There's an app called Dante. It's good.

But I use a notebook. Like a real like paper one.


Mister_Sosotris t1_j1m6zi6 wrote

I use StoryGraph. It has an awesome recommendation list that changes as you update your current reads, and it keeps your TBR pretty neat. I do think Goodreads has a better library of reviews, but I use StoryGraph to track my reading progress, and it has all these awesome graphs that track all your reading habits. And you can easily import your library from Goodreads


diazona t1_j1pg71m wrote

Wow... this looks amazing. Thank you for the suggestion! I just signed up. I was sold as soon as I saw "Amazon-free alternative to Goodreads" but I'm already even more excited about the recommendations it gave me.


Silmarillien t1_j1m4kkk wrote

Goodreads. Allows you to create "shelves" as well, basically different lists.


AnotherHopeless t1_j1m23dm wrote

Notion is a really cool app! I have an endless list of books I'm going to read soon


Foreign_Fishing_4766 t1_j1m3jgc wrote

How do you use that? Been hearing about that app for awhile but never got my hands on it


delph1025 t1_j1m7yah wrote

You download the app, make an account. Choose a plan (Individual plan is free and that's all you need)

I use database tables to track books. You just have to make categories- like book title, author, pages, stars, review and you're set. Every new book will be new entry. You will have to maunally enter everything though, everytime you finish a book. There are tons of other stuff you can use. Images, urls, tags, etc.


anachronic t1_j1m416q wrote

I either add it to "want to read" on Goodreads, or my "Books" wishlist on amazon (since I have a kindle).


boxer_dogs_dance OP t1_j1m6jg0 wrote

Yeah it's the wishlist that failed to record my choices. I'm going to find something else


KimBrrr1975 t1_j1ojpk4 wrote

How strange. I've been using the amazon wishlist for like 10 years and have never had a single problem with it. The only issues I've had have been a result of me having multiple lists and forgetting to choose the right one.


smurfette_9 t1_j1ok9hy wrote

Same, I add to both lists. I scroll through my Amazon kindle wishlist daily and buy the books on sale. I rarely ever buy a book at regular price because almost all the books go on sale at some point. I think I’ve only paid regular price for Michelle and Barack Obama’s books because I couldn’t wait and also thought they deserved my money.


anachronic t1_j2agal4 wrote

I try and only buy a book when I'm ready to start reading it, which is why I really like e-readers, because you can buy a book on the spot, even while laying in bed.

I used to spend lots of money buying books I might want to read "some day" and ended up with bookshelves full of books that I would probably never actually get around to reading.

Now, when I've finished one book, I scroll through my "want to read" lists, pick one, buy it, and start reading it immediately. Saves me money.


vulgarlibrary t1_j1m2jyq wrote

I use Goodreads but I also have an old fashioned list that I make in my planner at the beginning of every year. I use a highlighter to mark the ones I get to. I find it very satisfying.


ModernNancyDrew t1_j1mke75 wrote

I have a book journal that has an area for books I want to read.


linestrider19 t1_j1m56zk wrote

I swear på Storygraph! I love how user friendly it is, and how practical it os both for tracking read and unread books.


didwejust t1_j1m44nq wrote

I purchase a lot of my books from thrift books. They have a wishlist when you make an account


[deleted] t1_j1m4yuy wrote

ThriftBooks is the best. As much as I love libraries, I don’t read fast enough that library due dates don’t cause added stress.


DeborahJeanne1 t1_j1occ7f wrote

Oh, don’t let that stop you! While every library system is different, just about all of them let you borrow up to 3 weeks. As long as the book doesn’t have a list of people who placed it “on hold”, you can renew it for another 3 weeks, and some libraries will let you renew again for another 3 weeks. That’s a total of 9 weeks. On occasion, my local public library has even let me renew a book again for 3 weeks, making a total of 12 weeks. That should take the stress out of using the library - and you can renew online, you don’t need to go in personally, making it so easy and convenient to have a book as long as you need it.

Don’t forget ebooks at the library. My library lets you borrow them for 3 weeks with an option for renewal. There are no late fees, because even if you don’t return it yourself, it will disappear off your kindle on the last day of the loan the next time you turn on the Kindle’s Wi-Fi. Keeping your Kindle’s Wi-Fi off, will give you extra days with the book if you need them. And again, you can peruse the ebooks available, send it to your Amazon account, and from Amazon, download it to your Kindle - all from the comfort of your home.

My theory is, if it’s a book that hasn’t been checked out in months or even years, they’re more apt to let you renew it as long as you need to since no one else is showing any interest in reading it. I don’t know if that’s true or not, it’s just a theory I have, but it sounds logical - while I have been able to renew some books 3 times, I haven’t been able to renew every book I’ve tried to renew that extra time, but I was able to renew most of the ones I wanted to renew. I haven’t done it often because realistically, I read, on average, a book every 8-10 days, but on occasion, life happens and I’m unable to find or make/take time to read, in which case I will use the multiple renewals if I need them.

Another option, if you have a Kindle, is Kindle Unlimited. It’s like a library that you pay for. You can pay monthly, semiannually, or annually. KU allows you to borrow up to 10 books at a time with absolutely no set return date. None whatsoever! I have books I borrowed through KU a year ago, and they’re still on my kindle, still listed In my Amazon account, with absolutely no pressure from Amazon looking for me to return. If you have 10 books, you can keep them as long as you want, you just can’t borrow any more until you return one.

That should help ease the stress, and if you’re buying books and spending at least $10/month or more, KU is a less expensive alternative @ $9.98/month. If paperbacks are at least $10 if you go to a retail bookstore and you only buy one a month, you’re way ahead with KU. Good luck!


jinsoulja t1_j1m7ed4 wrote

Ive noticed that different libraries have different periods of loaning. For example I have two library cards. in one I can loan out a book for at max 21 days whereas the other only goes up to 14 days.


Violet2393 t1_j1n6ts0 wrote

Remember that you can renew! I currently have a book that has been very slow going for me. I've renewed it twice, and I think I'm going to make it to the end this time, haha!


TnkrbllThmbsckr t1_j1m93bc wrote

I have a paper list and the back of my work planner.


ilikedirt t1_j1mcmuw wrote

Goodreads Want To Read. Mine is hundreds long and I look through it every now and then when I’m in a rut.


sirdonathan t1_j1mjx6h wrote

I tag things as to read in Libby. That way I can see what is available now or add them to my holds list when space becomes available.


Thornescape t1_j1mhtru wrote

It's worth mentioning that the simplest solution is sometimes the best. A simple Google Docs or Sheets file can sometimes do everything you need. Often your smartphone will also have a note app, although I prefer one that syncs so that I don't lose the information if my phone dies (I prefer Colornote on Android).

The more complicated the solution gets, the more likely it is to fail.


cherrybananas13 t1_j1obozn wrote

I use Libby and just tag a book that sounds interesting to listen or read later. Otherwise, I'll write it down on physical paper and keep it by my books that way when i'm starting to get low on physical books I can look at my list and pick one at random that interests me :-)


HeidiKH83 t1_j1m4l1r wrote

Goodreads has worked well for me


Unlucky-Horror-9871 t1_j1ma1gp wrote

I save them on a list in my library account. Then I remove them as I check them out (though I’m closing in on 1000 titles, so the odds of me ever reading all of them is pretty much nonexistent)


nzfriend33 t1_j1mg29g wrote

Goodreads and/or LibraryThing. Or just all my bookshelves in my house. 😂


mrbudyhed t1_j1nvhdb wrote

I can't believe this is the only mention of Librarything versus sooo many Goodreads. I get nothing out of Goodreads. Has it added something? I love Librarything and make spreadsheet lists, and let the next read materialize.


nzfriend33 t1_j1o1zv7 wrote

No, goodreads refuses to change. I’ve just been on it so long though that it’s still my default.

ETA: LibraryThing is my go to for straight cataloguing though. It’s great.


mrbudyhed t1_j1of2kb wrote

I like straightforwardness of knowing how many LT users have a book in their libraries. It's not a perfect ranking system, more of a popularity rank, but is helpful. And cataloguing, yes, is the main focus, not selling.


caerulantia t1_j1mgmjw wrote

R e a d t h e m


nzfriend33 t1_j1mlyfh wrote

I’m getting there! But I have decades of books and only get through about 50 a year these days.


ModernNancyDrew t1_j1mls8b wrote

I live in a rural part of Colorado and in the winter it can be difficult or impossible to get out. So, in the summer I go to garage sales, estate sales, thrift shops and anywhere else I can find unused book (and puzzles.) I arrange the books in my library from most to least interesting and then read my way through it during the winter. I also use the Amazon wishlist app and a paper book journal.


jayjay2343 t1_j1mm0f9 wrote

That’s the sole use I have for Goodreads: the “want to read“ list.


Mysterious-Pie-7576 t1_j1ods94 wrote

Storygraph. It's an app, like goodreads except better and not owned by a greedy billionaire.


Laura9624 t1_j1m61xq wrote

Goodreads is great. Tagging or creating shelves of whatever type you want. I also tag audible books or Kindle. Many ways to sort them.


InstantShiningWizard t1_j1m6dhh wrote

I keep a folder on my laptop with screenshots/image downloads of book covers I hear about or are recommended to me that I might want to read. When my backlog is nearly depleted I will buy a few books from this list at random on ebay from the second hand sellers.

This is the patrician method and worth adhering to.


lydiardbell t1_j1m80ex wrote

Right now I'm trying to get through everything my wife and I own that I haven't read. Most of the time I just look at what's on the shelf, but I did add most of it to my tbr on Goodreads and Storygraph. I like that Storygraph will show you three random books from your to-read - it's pretty helpful when I have no idea at all what I want to read next.


boxer_dogs_dance OP t1_j1m96do wrote

At the moment, the issue is that being active recommending books to people, I learn about other people's favorites. I am never going to read them all, but I want to collect the titles so I can choose between good options. Currently I am trying to read my way through my existing collection, but when I next go to choose books I want to rely on the recommendations I have collected.


minimalist_coach t1_j1mb2z5 wrote

I have a list on my phone that gets backed up on my computer, which then gets backed up on an external hard drive.

When I was running my business, I heard horror stories of people losing data because they only had it stored on an app. People losing their entire client email lists etc.

It doesn't have to be as hardcore as my system, but do make sure it is on your device not on a program owned by someone else.


Soybean909 t1_j1mf86s wrote

I don't lol. I just kinda read what crosses my path, or pull a book out if my book drawer that I haven't read yet.


Eeeegah t1_j1mk0eh wrote

Whatever scrap of paper is at hand when I hear about the book. It's a terrible system, and I lose these papers constantly, and along with them probably a dozen book recommendations a month.


Orefinejo t1_j1mmp48 wrote

I’ve been using Goodreads. I like being able to sort them into different categories


BrendaFW t1_j1n2h04 wrote

Goodreads, StoryGraph, Amazon wish list and Apple notes (this one is more for non-fiction and series to continue).


Theseus44 t1_j1n5u03 wrote

Single post-it note, two columns, small print. By the time I’ve gotten to the end I’ve knocked enough off (either by reading or disregarding) to start a new one and have plenty of space. I love that little post-it note.


bus_garage707 t1_j1o8lge wrote

I just put them all in my Amazon cart


idoneredditalreadyy t1_j1ohvor wrote

I have an app called Reading List that you can add books TBR, Started and Finished. It’s nothing special but it’s effective for me. It should still be free


Welfycat t1_j1m67k6 wrote

I have a spreadsheet.


jinsoulja t1_j1m71pb wrote

Like other people, I use GoodReads! You can make collections based on the books you have read, would like to read, or are currently reading. But you can also make other collections like if you have a particular author you like and want to keep track of their books or organize by genre too. Plus you can see reviews about the books you want to read and even leave your own review on them after you finish reading.

I use the Libby/ Overdrive app to get free books through my library but also use it to mark books. The app uses a system called tagging where you can make up tags on your own or use their premade tags already to organize your books. Just like in GoodReads, I mark books I want to read or have successfully finished.


BadwolfAtHogwarts t1_j1m79b1 wrote

I have a couple of methods. One is Goodreads, which you can access either through their website or their phone app. I also have a “books” folder in my phone photo library, where I take pics of physical books that I find interesting and want to remember later. I go through that folder on occasion and tag the ones I’ve read so I can separate them out. I’ve also used the website fantastic fiction, but it’s not as great for the “to read” pile as Goodreads.


opeathrowaway t1_j1m7pmc wrote

I create an Amazon wishlist for different genres and that way I can just pull it up and see what’s on my list when I get to an independent bookstore.


akshay2000 t1_j1mb3vh wrote

You can use any note-taking app. Google Keep, Microsoft ToDo, Notion. I use Microsoft ToDo to track Movies, Books, Video Games, and any other type of media I may want to look at later.


natus92 t1_j1mcqgy wrote

I just write notices on my phone


ajshdkjasdh t1_j1mdt6t wrote

I just have a list in my notes on my phone of books I’ve read, and books I’d like to read. If I think a book sounds interesting, I’ll just add it to the note.


bigbigjohnson t1_j1mf6nu wrote

I just keep a note going on my phone of books and authors I’m interested in. Whenever my pile of books to read gets low and I’m looking for new ones I consult the list


OktoberStorms t1_j1mgscl wrote

Goodreads, you can make different shelves/lists which is helpful.


dragonmom1 t1_j1mkjnf wrote

I just use my Amazon account and created a Kindle books list. Whenever there's a recommendation that I can't purchase at the moment (or have time to borrow immediately from my library), I add the book to this list.


TraditionalRest808 t1_j1mmv3j wrote

Buy the book, put them on my shelf,

Splotches shelves with the read and not read tab


VikingOPPP t1_j1mnzk3 wrote

the notes app on my phone


katzenoire t1_j1mqm7y wrote

I use the Notes app in my phone and just keep a list. I keep movies I want to see on the same list. Simple but effective and has worked for years.


math_mom t1_j1mvm3m wrote

I purchase the book and set it next to my bed with the other twenty books I’ve been interested in that week. After a while the pile becomes invisible to me so I shelve those books and begin again.(only possible because I buy 90% of my books at thrift stores. Much easier to keep track of than lists.


Jake_Titicaca t1_j1mw0lz wrote

I just keep a list in my notes on my phone.


Hefty-Emu1068 t1_j1mx0m5 wrote

I use my public library account. Has a good listing application for future books you want to read.


Zikoris t1_j1mx6es wrote

If I'm interested in a book I place a library hold on it or buy it right then and there. I don't keep a TBR, and as far as I can tell people who do don't actually use them (I don't know what people actually do with them, but they often have more books on them than a person is realistically going to read in a lifetime). Basically, for me there's no such thing as a book I might want to read one day, it's either I want to read it now/when it comes in at the library, or I don't want to read it.


dtwhite1234 t1_j1mzkzv wrote

I’ve bounced between different methods over the years, but I’m currently using an app called Book Tracker available for iPhone and iPad. Tracks my reading and wish lists; really nice interface, and very easy to add books.


ChesterDood t1_j1n1t2u wrote

I keep a list on Google Keep. And check them off as I read/get them.


ChaserNeverRests t1_j1n1xgl wrote

Anything I want to read, I toss onto my Kindle.

Then one day I realize I have 450+ unread books and stop getting new ones for a couple years.

I'm back down to about 250, so now I get ones when I really want them.


veracite t1_j1n2ly7 wrote

I just throw them on my Amazon wishlist and occasionally I’ll snag a book off of there… or if I receive one as a gift then I’ll read it.


OceanBlueWave18 t1_j1n2y1s wrote

I’m a heavy user of the Libby library app and when I hear about an interesting book I just tag it there. My holds shelf is always full, but when there’s an opening I go to my tagged books and add from there.


GuyMcGarnicle t1_j1n4scr wrote

Goodreads is the perfect device for this because you can also easily interface with other users, user reviews and all sorts of other info.


snwlss t1_j1n5v4v wrote

I use the “Want to Read” list on Goodreads, although I should probably create a list for my “Book Bucket List” (a list of books I want to read before I die, which I hope is a long ways off).


inbetweensound t1_j1n6dsi wrote

I use the Sofa app for books, movies, albums, etc.


Lumpyproletarian t1_j1n76ol wrote

Amazon wish list- and if you get lucky, someone might buy you one.


gorgon_heart t1_j1n77sy wrote

My library's website has a feature to save books on lists. This works well for me since I almost never buy books anymore.


avalinahdraws t1_j1n7e5y wrote

eReaderIQ. Then they send me an update when the book goes on sale. Other than that, Goodreads.


icarusrising9 t1_j1ncaht wrote

I just have a little notepad I've been holding onto since 2019. Hundreds of books written down, some crossed off if I decide I no longer want to read them, with check marks next to the ones I've finished, color-coded by the year.

Just use pen and paper dude.


gyme-7272 t1_j1ndcv2 wrote

I use Calibre ebook software configured with a TBR custom field and then create a book entry with the title and author. Then I just monitor the entries.


Unpacer t1_j1need0 wrote

Goodreads. It's quite a bit bloated tbh, but it does this well enough.


lonelyone12345 t1_j1nh2tb wrote

I read most of my books from Libby, so I use a combination of my holds list and the "want to read" tag.


carlitospig t1_j1njy5d wrote

I have like a bazillion listed on my Goodreads that I constantly forget to check before starting a new title. So they’re just there gathering intellectual (and cloud) dust.


Glifrim t1_j1nk01z wrote

I write books down on 3x5 cards and make lists in notebooks.


Nizamark t1_j1nmec0 wrote

the los angeles public library site allows you to keep lists. it’s terrific


Adjective-Noun-0123 t1_j1noyz0 wrote

If you devote ten hours of every day of your life to reading, the "books you want to read" list will still keep growing faster than you can get through it. By the time a few months have passed, you'll maybe have different tastes in "want to read" than you did when you made the list. Books that don't make it on your list, but that you bump into in the wild, may be as beneficial or better than those on the list.

Having a couple dozen books staged (on shelves, on an e-book reader, or in a list to get from my next library/purchasing trip) is plenty. The return on investment for a larger list may be negligible. Let the rest just be in your memory and, if you forget them, let them go. They'll either be back or they won't; you'll never run out of books.


boxer_dogs_dance OP t1_j1o7sck wrote

I've been thinking about how to respond to this. My goal is not simply to read enjoyable books. My goal is to find and read some of the books that lifelong readers love to read. My ap highschool English classes and my degree in literature gave me a basic education. Finding these reddit forums gives me the opportunity to crowd source the equivalent of graduate school at no cost. My favorite poetry collection the Rattle Bag was created by asking well known poets for their favorite poems. I will never read all the books on my lists, but I am going to make those lists anyway.


Adjective-Noun-0123 t1_j1om16r wrote

> I am going to make those lists anyway.

I now think you enjoy making, using, and maintaining the lists. And if you do? Of course keep it up! If I enjoyed it, I'd do that too. : )

I suggest just make a LibreOffice Calc (that's the free version of Excel; if you own Excel, that's fine too) document, rather than any app that could go obsolete or spy on you, and track the books and categories there. Easily backed up (just email it to yourself sometimes), easily modified or re-ordered, and easily filtered.

You could even keep the books you've read in there, mark them read, and add notes on how the book went and what you thought (something I wish I'd done for several; so many books all I remember is one or two things that happened and that I enjoyed it.)


vorvanator t1_j1nqrdl wrote

Amazon list and then anytime I’m at a book store/library I scroll threw and pick something


stalker_asn007 t1_j1nt33k wrote

Just use Goodreads app. It has default tags like 'Read ', 'want to Read'. Other than that you can create your own tags to save books. It’s super easy to manage books in goodreads.


SimoneMontalto t1_j1nt9y0 wrote

I use the Book Tracker app to create a list of the next books to buy and catalog all the existing books. It permits also to save quotes and track reading progress, with a lot of interesting statistics and the possibility to set reading challenges.


Striking_Present_736 t1_j1nty7z wrote

My system isn't anything exciting, but I find simple works best for me. In my Notes app I have a note titled "Books to read". I have it set up with check boxes and wheneveyI come across a title that looks interesting I add it to the list. Once I've read the book I check it off. If it is a keeper, I add the book to a different list I have in Notes called "Good Books". I know; not flashy, but works for me.


pookaboop t1_j1nuwzp wrote

I'm also a Goodreads devotee


Lurkham t1_j1nv1t1 wrote

Created a Google Doc several years ago first for capturing a few recommendations but then later updated to include categories such as National Book awards, Pulitzers, Man Booker Awards, Hugo Awards, or any other lists that caught my eye. Can easily scroll or search on my phone and use laptop to do any major editing


Wickedjr89 t1_j1nxlfr wrote

My Goodreads want to read shelf


SenoritaFrijoles t1_j1ny2xa wrote

I take a picture or screenshot of the book I’m interested in and save them in an album on my phone. I’m horrible with making and keeping to lists so having visual references that only take a second to make and file away works best for me.


opilino t1_j1o1p0f wrote

If I’m really genuinely interested in reading a book I add it to the at a price point.

If I’m really really interested I also download the sample and leave it on the kindle front page as a reminder.


syncomatic_columbia t1_j1o4e49 wrote

I just put them on Goodreads and forget why I was interested in it when I look through the want to read list so I never get to it. I get most of my books from the library so I don't really have a use for Goodreads anyway


TheSphinxter t1_j1o4moo wrote

List? What is "list"? I just compulsively purchase books because I have absolutely no self control. Thankfully I also give them away when I think that someone else I know needs to read them, but it's still resulted in huge quantities of books around my home.


TherealOmthetortoise t1_j1o6t49 wrote

I just pin all the comments I read in here that sound great, then immediately forget that I did that and never refer to them in any meaningful way. (It’s like iso9000 certification, it doesn’t matter if its a good or a bad system, it’s whether or not it’s consistent and repeatable.)


Inkdrunnergirl t1_j1o6tw0 wrote

I’ve never had an issue with Amazon lists for adding kindle TBR but I don’t do it from my kindle. It’s usually phone or pc


Ineffable7980x t1_j1o9gx6 wrote

I look at my bookshelves. I look at my unread books on my Kindle. And I have a hold list if recent releases at my library. I don't do anything more sophisticated than that.


CMulgrove t1_j1ob4uz wrote

I mostly get my books from the library, so if I'm interested in a book I check it out. If I have time to read it during the checkout period, great. If not, it's in my borrow history when I want to go back and find the title again.


cheesecough t1_j1obmb5 wrote

Hmm, poorly.

I used to keep paper lists, then I marked several thousand books on Goodreads - which got ported over to StoryGraph when I switched.

Currently, I take screen shots of stuff that looks interesting and look them up at the library. I can save them to a list function if they exist in that particular library system (I have a couple library cards but I prefer print copies vs Libby). One of the libraries lets me sort the TBR list by "available in x branch now" for when I'm in branch picking up holds. The other does not, so sometimes I just email myself books that are in my closest branches if I think I'm going to do a pickup soon.

If none of the libraries have it I make a recommendation to the library to purchase if it fits the guidelines (published recently), or save to a online second-hand book selling site if not (better world books mostly, but sometimes I get Amazon gift cards, and chapters/indigo if I want a fresh copy for a gift or something.)

I tend to have very specific reading obsessions for a month or two so I'll read what the library has and then move on to a different topic vs planning out a real TBR. If it's a reoccurring interest I can tag/organize the library lists for when it comes up again.


Vexonte t1_j1odz4m wrote

I have access to a smaller library which keeps my list smaller and I'm constantly reorganizing my list order to better match my work tempo and staggering generes in order to get the best experience when read. If I forget about a book on the list then it wasn't an important read anyway.


DeborahJeanne1 t1_j1of68n wrote

After reading many of the comments, I’m feeling inadequate. I don’t keep a list - I never have. When I come across a book I want to read, the first thing I do is an online search at my local public library. If it’s there, then I place a hold. If it’s not, I go to Amazon. I check out Kindle Unlimited, then the regular Amazon books if it’s not on KU, and I may find a used copy for sale.

When I find another book that looks appealing, I start the process all over again. No need for a list!


boxer_dogs_dance OP t1_j1og3r6 wrote

It was never an issue for me until I started hanging out in the book suggestion subreddits. It is fun sharing my finds after a lifetime of reading. The downside is that I am surrounded by book suggestions that match my interests. I'm like a kid in a candy store. Making a list means I don't buy immediately and blow all my cash.


DeborahJeanne1 t1_j1p1uwr wrote

Oh I totally get that! Back in my pre-computer days, I would go into a bookstore and buy anywhere from 5-10 paperbacks. I was on a True Crime kick - I literally went down the section of said books and just piled them in my arms. I would spend $50-60. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot, but it was the mid-80s, paperbacks were only $4-5 each, so I could get a lot of books with $60! And I also have read many books recommended here as well.

I’m also with you when you say being in a book store is like being in a candy store. That is such a perfect analogy. Having said that, spread sheets, listing and categorizing tbr books whether on paper or in a computer, sounds like too much work. Time spent listing, categorizing, and updating could be used to read instead.


boxer_dogs_dance OP t1_j1p2kns wrote

Have you read Hans Fallada Alone in Berlin? Also translated as Every Man Dies Alone. There is an interesting story behind the book and author. It is a different take on a crime novel. A police officer plays a significant role.

If you enjoyed the Godfather or Crime and Punishment, you might enjoy the Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen. Brutal but beautiful book.


DeborahJeanne1 t1_j1p5ux2 wrote

No, I haven’t, but thank you for the recommendations! Both sound really interesting - so when I leave here, I’ll go right to my library’s website! 😁

Hmmm……have I commented back and forth with you on something else or somewhere else on Reddit? It’s your screen name - boxers are my favorite breed, I just love them. I just bought a house a few months ago and I’m still painting, unpacking, etc, but the entire yard - front and back - is fenced in, and I’m thinking about a boxer now!


boxer_dogs_dance OP t1_j1p6c8c wrote

I lost my dog two years ago now and I am not ready yet. But I love them. If you have the space and the time...

You may have commented on my username on the past. A couple people have.


DeborahJeanne1 t1_j1p854g wrote

My sweet Hannah was vindictively poisoned by a neighbor. I moved. That was 2003 and I’m still not over it.

The library lists 2 books for Hans Fallada Alone in Berlin AND Every Man Dies Alone. They didn’t have the first, but they did have the second one, so I downloaded the ebook. The Sympathizer is there so I ordered it. I did recommend that they obtain Alone in Berlin.

And this is a perfect example of how I deal with recommendations! No list. Nothing to forget.


boxer_dogs_dance OP t1_j1qluia wrote

I am so sorry to hear about Hannah. What a shitty thing to do. Some people are psychopaths


SpicyMargarita143 t1_j1ogcog wrote

I love Goodreads. Setting a challenge also inspired me a lot this year.


Trilly2000 t1_j1ohw27 wrote

I have book titles stashed all over the place. On my StoryGraph, goodreads, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble wish lists, and Pinterest. It’s too much. My TBR could wrap around the earth twice.


EnkiduofOtranto t1_j1oina7 wrote

I have a folder labeled Literature, on my phone full of lists of books to read, from star wars novels to ancient religious texts


HeatherM74 t1_j1ojqro wrote

I use Amazon wish lists. I have two different kindle wishlists (because I filled up one) and a kindle reads wishlist. Then I have another for paperbacks. I try to go through them a couple of days a week cuz they go on sale or free.


Everest_95 t1_j1om2dn wrote

I use the notes app on my phone. I keep lists of games I want to play, movies I want to watch and books to read on there


jorgerine t1_j1om3dy wrote

Definitely Goodreads. It’s like IMDB for books.


jadetryton t1_j1ommg0 wrote

I made a private Amazon wishlist and labeled it “books” and I add everything to that.


Gibson8391 t1_j1onltp wrote

I do a combo of Goodreads and Amazon wish list


xajhx t1_j1onqwl wrote

I use an app called Reading List.

I prefer it to any other option because you can see book title, cover, author, summary, page count, and subjects at a glance.

You can also add notes to each book and organize your to read books into sub lists.

I put in my notes whether I own the book, whether it’s part of a series, etc. and I have my to be read books further organized into sub lists based upon genre and whether they are adult or YA.


viva_victoria t1_j1opjqm wrote

On Goodreads my Want to Read list is for books I own but haven’t read yet. Books to purchase go into a handwritten notebook organized by genre and status (meaning whether I own it and want a better edition vs. I don’t own it at all). Like others, I’ll review my notebook occasionally and pare down ones I’m no longer interested in.

ETA that the notebook makes it more visceral and tangible to me. Otherwise I’ll get a massive list that never sees the light of day.


LibrisTella t1_j1opwlz wrote

I used goodreads for a while which worked fine - you can make different shelves if you want to be more specific than just “to read” - but recently I started using StoryGraph and I like this app much more. When you go to search for your next read, you can filter within your own list for books you own, books of a certain genre or “mood,” etc. I’d recommend either of these apps for this purpose but especially StoryGraph.


mixedbag0fun t1_j1orste wrote

I use an app called StoryGraph!


xandra-books-dakson t1_j1p9z0a wrote

I just write it down. I have two lists. One is books to check out/books I might want to read and another for my reading list i.e., Books I have planned to read in the future


behulovic t1_j1pitz5 wrote

I keep trying and keep failing haha


BearbertDondarrion t1_j1qpp8e wrote

Look at my bookshelf

Look at my Kindle

That’s it basically.


rohansamal t1_j1qx5to wrote

How do you guys manage your Goodreads? With tags? Can someone explain it to me. I'm using Notion rn, sort of like a Excel sheet


arcoiris2 t1_j1t02g8 wrote

Books that I anticipate reading this year, I keep track of online on my "for later" shelf through my library. Any other books I keep a list of in a physical notebook.


Arrow_from_Artemis t1_j1usuhr wrote

I use Goodreads to track books I want to read. It works on computer or my phone, so I can pull it up just about anywhere and flag a book I want to read. This has the added benefit of having ratings and reviews attached, so when you double back to look over your suggested books, you can do a little investigating to find out if the book is really something you'll be interested in.


boxer_dogs_dance OP t1_j1uu6qc wrote

Actually after both library thing and Storygraph gave me technical issues, I just set up Goodreads. I want something that works without problems. Thank you.


Beaver_cyclone t1_j1wp70e wrote

I either add it to my TBR tag on Libby or mark it as to read on StoryGraph


skullfullofbooks t1_j1mafv0 wrote

Goodreads or Storygraph! You can make shelves, I made one on goodreads called "on my radar" because my "want to read" list is books I own. But if you just want to track books you'd maybe want to read that would work out great as well! 😄


ladygoodgreen t1_j1mgctb wrote

You can use Excel on your phone.

But Goodreads and StoryGraph are both good options.