OrsonWellesghost t1_j1dpy6w wrote
Reply to I Need Your Last Day At Work Songs. by kingokarp
Not Ready to Go by the Trews
OrsonWellesghost t1_iyjkqfb wrote
Reply to comment by kaustickelpie in Why “the Christmas feeling” is more profound than you think - some holiday themed philosophy by Melodic_Antelope6490
Nativity crèches are even better when you realize they were started as a tradition by St Francis of Assisi, who was a brilliant communicator and educator. (Maybe someone can correct me)
OrsonWellesghost t1_iuf8mdn wrote
Reply to Movies with directors as actors? by mywordswillgowithyou
The 1982 Polish movie Interrogation has film director Agnieszka Holland playing a political prisoner.
OrsonWellesghost t1_itebgd2 wrote
Reply to What is a book that you found to be the most underline-able, highlight-able, or quotable? by Fossill4
God’s Snake by Irini Spanidou. “A cynic is someone who ascribes his own baseness to others.”
OrsonWellesghost t1_isvfa87 wrote
Reply to "In other words, an important lesson we can draw from Hans Blumenberg’s writings on myth is that the dangerous political myths of our own times as well as those of the past can only be countered by inventing new myths, telling better stories, and writing more convincing histories." by Maxwellsdemon17
The author missed a perfect example of a political myth becoming an outright lie in the rise of the Christian Right in the US. The way, for instance the parable of a “judgement day” in the New Testament becomes an actual, physical event people believe will result in them being whisked away to some perfect place before the world’s destruction.
OrsonWellesghost t1_isvd928 wrote
Reply to comment by doccharizard in "In other words, an important lesson we can draw from Hans Blumenberg’s writings on myth is that the dangerous political myths of our own times as well as those of the past can only be countered by inventing new myths, telling better stories, and writing more convincing histories." by Maxwellsdemon17
For history to be comprehensible, it still has to be presented as a story, with principal actors, cause and effect, and typical story structure (beginning-middle-end). The story of how the Allies won the Second World War is one example. It’s essentially a myth in the sense that it gives direction and meaning to our history, even if it doesn’t have flying cows or demigods.
OrsonWellesghost t1_jcu5g0l wrote
Reply to comment by zakcattack in Schopenhauer and Hegel’s feud was metaphysical: a pessimist who recognised the unchangeable essence of the world and an optimist who saw human history as perpetual growth could never get along. by IAI_Admin
It should be noted that nationalism in the wake of the Napoleonic wars were still seen as a positive and liberating idea, especially for German speaking peoples who had never had their own singular state up to that point