
t1_j5wxme5 wrote

The concepts of up or down are meaningless in microgravity environments, you're facing towards, away, or adjacent to something but up and down is non-applicable.

You wouldn't feel like you're flying "Up" at the earth because where the south pole is depends on your own perspective. Change your direction and now it's "down" and on "top" of the earth.


t1_iuar47i wrote

How do we know that the mass is, in fact, dark matter?

What methods do they have at their disposal ruled out, say... A large field of interstellar medium that has coalesced since the event and wasn't dispersed by it for some reason unknown to the current model of galactic collisions?

From my understanding we haven't technically proven dark matter's existence yet. We see the effects of something and use the term "dark matter" to explain it, but do we know for sure that it isn't a secondary effect of something we can currently detect?