PengwinOnShroom t1_jdj7mvi wrote
Reply to comment by Paul_cz in Kiefer Sutherland leads Rabbit Hole, a ludicrous yet amusing thriller by Dregenfox
First half of season 1 is great, latter half is ok to good. Second season apparently not so good but haven't watched it. There's also a Korean remake which I enjoyed
PengwinOnShroom t1_janh8bm wrote
Reply to comment by Columbus43219 in The Ark is embarrassing! by opiate_lifer
Yeah that one. Think it's worth checking it out., just be aware of such a cliffhanger though
PengwinOnShroom t1_jalz7up wrote
Reply to The Ark is embarrassing! by opiate_lifer
It's too bad many new sci fi space shows are terrible. The Expanse was one of just few great ones. Ascension was also pretty nice if we ignore the personal drama but in the end it's actually >!not a space opera and cancelled on that cliffhanger too!<
PengwinOnShroom t1_jeh0bha wrote
Reply to comment by ringoron9 in What show universe would you want to live in? by Dolo114
Which time period though?