
opiate_lifer OP t1_jdr5s40 wrote

Reply to comment by NGHTWNG22 in The Ark is embarrassing! by opiate_lifer

What I can't understand is the contradictions within the SAME EPISODE like an earlier one where the engine died so they are dead in space(cut to exterior shot of the ship and yup they are immobile) then later in the same episode slightly changing their inertial trajectory is a plot point! Then we have the fact as of the latest episodes we have had it hammered into out heads they are heading to Proxima Centauri which they outright state is the closest solar system to earth. So why they happen on a freaking planetary body in the void of space?!

As of the latest episode they are going full soap opera as well.


opiate_lifer t1_jdihbh1 wrote

As my username indicates I have an interest in drugs, its astounding the amount of outright racism Chinese labourers faced in the western USA. Some of the first instances of drug prohibition were moral panics about white women being lured to opium dens in Chinatowns.


opiate_lifer OP t1_jb7j4vu wrote

By episode 5 its clear this show is NOT as serious as the trailer and early episodes made it seem. Evil clones exist in this setting, and they have a propensity to go psychotic suddenly.

The concept of aliens is also introduced, based off almost nothing via dialogue.


opiate_lifer OP t1_jb7i3xa wrote

I actually loved SGU when it first aired but it seemed no one else did! The one element I absolutely loved was how they embraced the ancient ship that is breaking down premise and actually had the scientists on board do science like jury rigging carbon dioxide scrubbers!


opiate_lifer OP t1_jaoxoif wrote

I think the reason why Dark Matter worked for me while The Ark doesn't is the premise. Ark has a premise that sounds dead serious, so the fact its not taken seriously is just kind of annoying. Where DM the premise was inherently pulpy and goofy if that makes sense?

Like if its campy and corny they need to stop the "we have 48 hours until we all die" plots every episode.


opiate_lifer OP t1_jao28o7 wrote

I am talking about the scenes in episode 2 or 3 of the crew in suits doing a spacewalk, it was jaw droppingly bad. The movement was so jerky and stiff it looked like a youtube poop where someone has a still image move across the screen. The crewmember then touches a crystal which dissolves his suit's glove and it disintegrates as obvious polygons!

The scenes of the ship aren't great or anything, but that spacewalk was worse than amateur CGI animations.


opiate_lifer OP t1_jannlqb wrote

This is the problem with even trying for scientific accuracy, even media that prided itself on being diamond hard usually fails(The Martian, Gravity). You've either got to commit to it, or mostly ignore it and use technobabble that feels authentic in story.

This show wants to have it both ways.


opiate_lifer OP t1_jamrjoz wrote

By episode 3 like 75% of the characters are proven, admitted, or suspected of being frauds anyway so all I can think is that this extreme stupidity among crew which should know better was intentional?

I'm not kidding BTW, seems more than half the crew stole an identity or scammed their way on the ship!


opiate_lifer OP t1_jal69xt wrote

Reply to comment by kingdazy in The Ark is embarrassing! by opiate_lifer

You're right about that 2 decade old throwback thing!

Its like a cheap attempt to cash in on the 00s BSG that somehow got shelved and forgotten about.

A ship full of earth's best and brightest who will set up a colony don't know what a comet is("it has a tail!")


opiate_lifer t1_j9nebcz wrote

The human body can handle acetone, its produced in small amounts during normal metabolic processes.

Methanol however can blind or kill you in only ml amounts.


opiate_lifer t1_j9hd0qk wrote

I have eaten them regularly when they were available just because could get them super cheap and I was sick of potatoes. I did not bother to peel them before cooking, they come out of the peel easily once boiled. I have never eaten the peel.

The bananas themselves once boiled and peeled have the texture and taste comparable to potatoes or another savoury root starch.

Its not something I'd pay top dollar for or seek out, but it was fine for adding some variety to my carbs and cheap so why not.


opiate_lifer t1_j9g23o5 wrote

Did you know you can boil or fry really green bananas(like still rock hard) and they have the consistency and flavour of a root starch like potatoes? They are pretty good just mashed with a bit of salt and cayenne.