PmMeYourLore t1_jacxvyh wrote
Reply to The Black Watch Regiment of Canada in Normandy after storming Juno Beach in the second wave. They would go on to fight in 30 more battles in France, Netherlands, and Germany. They endured heavy casualties and were awarded several honours and awards. My grandfather survived but never spoke about it. by TheSugarGalaxy
Watched a documentary on them here recently. Absolute beasts, the lot of them, and a testament to how cold and hard the Canadians get when going about war. We should never underestimate our neighbors up there, much love.
PmMeYourLore t1_ja5wbob wrote
PmMeYourLore t1_j9umtb7 wrote
Reply to Handle with care, me, digital, 2023 by musketon
Obligatory: "n-nnoooo, nooo.."
PmMeYourLore t1_j6msz2y wrote
Reply to I’m tryna reach Diamond 4. by Ulquiorr4_
KKK vs. Wermacht
PmMeYourLore t1_j2e8l6x wrote
Reply to They're victims of society by EarlGray513
I hear Tate and I think of dude from AHS
PmMeYourLore t1_izaivst wrote
Milwaukee goes hard. My impact still kicks after almost 5yrs and the guy that gave it to me had it years before that. He had one of those battery heated jackets does anyone else have a good opinion of them? Milwaukee makes one and it's really sleek but I don't wanna buy something off one opinion
PmMeYourLore t1_iy9k7ou wrote
Reply to Ghost Recon Breakpoint by Dude-Man120
I recently got it with my British Xbox buddy after we beat Wildlands. I miss sniping guys throwing grenades, and having them explode on the ground, I miss accurate shot counts and it not taking too long to register that the guy is dead, I miss not flinging myself around every time I change directions, I miss the vehicles (and character, again) being decent to control, and since I haven't played since launch I do really like that they got rid of that borderlands style weapon acquisition. However the severe lack is the drip. There's nothing that looks good without paying out the wazoo, and all of the equipment is very regulation. I get that we went from a cartel to a PMC but still. You figure a place as advanced as that would give us some pretty neat gear.
That being said Breakpoint really drives its own point home and this new flavor is very digestible. I'm still having fun saving my boy from the heavies lmao and some of the tech is really cool, like the big turret truck we found last night.
Important thing is it's still Ghost Recon, and doesn't feel stale after all these years, so I'll enjoy picking this place apart now that I have it again.
PmMeYourLore t1_iu5vj1l wrote
God but it's so dashing
PmMeYourLore t1_ity4sn9 wrote
Reply to F. Murray Abraham holding up his Best Actor Academy Award, for his role as Antonio Salieri in "Amadeus" (1984), March 25, 1985 by norrisrw
Amadeus Amadeus, A-ma-deus. Amadeus Amadeus, A-ma-deus
PmMeYourLore t1_jegu4sb wrote
Reply to [OC] he’s not the biggest fan of baths, but he tolerates them 💚 by ACuteCacti
"Just take the picture and pleasssseee dry me off"