PoppinKREAM t1_jdizor5 wrote

The tritium isotope released is very, very little. Humans are exposed to far more tritium than what has leaked.

>Valerie Myers, a health physicist with the NRC, told WCCO last week that [the amount of tritium that's in the water is negligible.

>"If we look at the dose impact of something like this, it would be a fraction of a milligram. I'm talking 0.00-something milligrams. The average person will get 300 milligram in a year just from the sun, the ground, everything," Myers said.


PoppinKREAM t1_jddb23f wrote

We need a public inquiry into China's influence campaign, in particular China's attempts to make inroads in Canadian politics to undermine our democracy. Our democratic institutions are under assault by a foreign adversary.

  • Late last year, it was reported that CSIS warned Prime Minister Trudeau about China covertly funding 2019 election campaigns.^[1]

  • CSIS documents revealed a sophisticated strategy by China to interfere in our 2021 election with the expressed goal of removing politicians that were seen as anti-China, aiding in the selection of politicians that were seen as sympathetic to the Chinese communist regime, and wanting a Liberal minority government with the intention of our parliament being debilitated with in-fighting.^[2]

  • It should be noted that in 2016 Trudeau attended an exclusive Liberal party fundraising dinner. Those in attendance included Chinese billionaires and senior Chinese state officials seeking approval for a bank. These Chinese officials had exclusive access to our Prime Minister.^[3]

  • Two weeks after the fundraising dinner in 2016, Chinese philanthropists gave $200,000 to the Trudeau Foundation.^[4] At the time Prime Minister Trudeau defended the fundraiser as an effort to attract investment from China. The Trudeau Foundation has recently returned the donation 7 years later due to the alleged ties to China.^[5]


PoppinKREAM t1_j6om4gw wrote

I know what you mean.

People should watch We Own This City on HBO. It's a 6 part series about Baltimore's police department's recent corruption scandal. Where an entire unit was acting like a gang selling drugs, robbing from citizens, beating up innocent people and planting evidence. It's concerning how the system was designed to cover it all up, from the rank and file to the union, top brass, and oversight department.


PoppinKREAM t1_j2f10cs wrote

Last month there was a news segment in Canada about the Roshel armoured vehicles. They're made by a local Canadian manufacturer that was created by an immigrant, who has hired many other immigrants including Ukrainians to help build the vehicles. Ukrainian soldiers have glowing reviews about these vehicles too.

Global News - Canadian Shield: How Ukrainians are defending their homeland from 8,000 kilometres away