Portalrules123 t1_jckux5d wrote
Is that a drop ceiling? I hope the thing is sealed off on top…….
Portalrules123 t1_jbzdhxe wrote
Reply to comment by terpin in In Truth or Consequences, N.M., leaking pipes cause millions of gallons of water to go down the drain amid drought by Thetimmybaby
Before the "consequences" are made clear?
Clever. :)
Portalrules123 OP t1_jaozek6 wrote
SS: Nouriel Roubini (a fairly mainstream economist known for accurately warning of the Great Financial Crisis in 2006) is interviewed on Al Jazeera's "The Bottom Line". The entire interview is interesting and rather sobering. His thesis is high debt burdens, supply shocks, technologies that exacerbate inequality, domestic political turmoil, geopolitical tensions, and environmental problems are going to severely hurt the global economy, and that some of these problems feed off each other and make them worse. Young people who feel (correctly) that they are worse off than their parents will be a source of discontent.Quote from around the nine minute eleven second mark: "Things are worse than the 70s and worse than the post GFC period. In some dimensions, things are even worse than the 1930s".
It's definitely gonna be harder to maintain the mental health of the youngest generation the more of them come to realize that the actions of their priors have doomed them to worse quality of life, that's for sure...
Portalrules123 t1_jaiv0tl wrote
Reply to comment by Porsher12345 in A link between depression and changes in counts of several types of immune cells in the blood has been revealed by researchers, this suggests that changes to different components of our immune system — both the innate and adaptive immune response — could play a role in causing depression by giuliomagnifico
Doesn't prolonged levels of stress degrade immune function? SURELY it's more the other way around?
Portalrules123 t1_ja12e6d wrote
Reply to comment by FastWalkingShortGuy in Amazon faces a lawsuit over products that fuel the donkey skin trade. by tandemuis365
Read the article. Why do redditors have no attention span?
Portalrules123 t1_j9rv3am wrote
Reply to comment by thisisausername190 in This ‘climate-friendly’ fuel comes with an astronomical cancer risk | Pollution by Underwood4EverHoC
The status quo is now actually being chosen over reality. It cannot be sustained, so lies and gaslighting are being used to make us think it can.
Portalrules123 t1_j9ruwig wrote
Reply to comment by Legitimate-Tea5561 in This ‘climate-friendly’ fuel comes with an astronomical cancer risk | Pollution by Underwood4EverHoC
If that was their job one they literally wouldn’t be able to exist running as a massive conglomeration, because the economic system they are intrenched in is based purely on cold hard profit. So you already can tell this is a lie.
Portalrules123 t1_j9bnboo wrote
Reply to comment by FiveBrassMonkeys in Review found ‘falsified data’ in Stanford President’s research, colleagues allege by ScoMoTrudeauApricot
Sounds to me like a more socialized and less capitalistic system for the research field wouldn't have nearly this pervasive an incentive.....but of course, we can't because socialism is badddddd.
Portalrules123 t1_j4xpewb wrote
Reply to comment by MattyEC in Polar Bear Enters Remote Alaska Village, Fatally Mauls Woman, Boy by MinimumMonitor7
Orcas ARE dolphins, no? Or at least in the dolphin family?
Portalrules123 t1_j4wj6gu wrote
Reply to comment by fellowcrft in Polar Bear Enters Remote Alaska Village, Fatally Mauls Woman, Boy by MinimumMonitor7
Dolphins are the humans of the sea.
Meaning you SHOULD be at least mildly nervous at all times around them, I would say. I think some dolphins have been shown to kill just for fun too, another human analogy there.
Portalrules123 OP t1_j4vww3g wrote
Reply to Revealed: more than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest provider are worthless, analysis shows by Portalrules123
I think this is an important finding to discuss, as we need to be able to objectively determine what measures are effective and which are not when it comes to combatting climate change on a global scale. It seems that several studies are now showing that the carbon offsetting touted by the concept's largest provider is largely just an example of "greenwashing" that is hardly doing anything relatively speaking. It seems pretty evident that offsetting, at least in this format, isn't gonna be much of a help going into the future in terms of effectively helping the environment. More empirical solutions rather than this seemingly indirect/ineffective movement of money to offsetting projects are the answer, if anything I am suspecting that carbon offsetting is largely just PR to try and deflect attention away from the systemic issues of the capitalist system, a way to keep on producing and producing and growing without making the systemic changes required.
>The two studies from the international group of researchers found just eight out of 29 Verra-approved projects where further analysis was possible showed evidence of meaningful deforestation reductions.
>The journalists were able to do further analysis on those projects, comparing the estimates made by the offsetting projects with the results obtained by the scientists. The analysis indicated about 94% of the credits the projects produced should not have been approved.
>Credits from 21 projects had no climate benefit, seven had between 98% and 52% fewer than claimed using Verra’s system, and one had 80% more impact, the investigation found.
>Separately, the study by the University of Cambridge team of 40 Verra projects found that while a number had stopped some deforestation, the areas were extremely small. Just four projects were responsible for three-quarters of the total forest that was protected.
>The journalists again analysed these results more closely and found that, in 32 projects where it was possible to compare Verra’s claims with the study finding, baseline scenarios of forest loss appeared to be overstated by about 400%. Three projects in Madagascar have achieved excellent results and have a significant impact on the figures. If those projects are not included, the average inflation is about 950%.
>The studies used different methods and time periods, looked at different ranges of projects, and the researchers said no modelling approach is ever perfect, acknowledging limitations in each study. However, the data showed broad agreement on the lack of effectiveness of the projects compared with the Verra-approved predictions.
Portalrules123 t1_iuftta7 wrote
Reply to comment by DennisJM in Conscious Reality Is Only a Memory of Unconscious Actions, Scientists Propose In Radical New Theory by mossadnik
Very interesting!
To be honest considering where we are currently taking the planet I wouldn't even be shocked if it turned out we were automatons the whole time, sadly and honestly......
Portalrules123 t1_iufq88b wrote
Reply to comment by DennisJM in Conscious Reality Is Only a Memory of Unconscious Actions, Scientists Propose In Radical New Theory by mossadnik
But can you really be sure of this? How can you be sure your mind didn't unconsciously decide to eat that Pizza for you and then imprinted a false memory to rationalize it being "your choice" afterwards?
Portalrules123 t1_iublj4w wrote
Reply to comment by zenzukai in Scientific Integrity Requires Publishing Rebuttals and Retracting Problematic Papers. by lonnib
Mutually reinforcing, positive feedbacks of corruption.
Portalrules123 t1_iu7fv76 wrote
Reply to comment by JakeArvizu in Piet Mondrian artwork displayed upside down for 75 years by Superbuddhapunk
Yeah it's PROBABLY not healthy to negatively react to every pointless article that you see, but that's just me.
Portalrules123 t1_isc2urh wrote
Reply to comment by 4thDevilsAdvocate in Scientists researching possible candidates for treating Alzheimer's disease found exercise outperformed all tested drugs for the ability to reverse dysregulated gene expression. by shadesofaltruism
Don't forget the structural factors in society that contribute to depression as well, we can't completely individualize it which makes it harder to fully combat.
Portalrules123 t1_jdayrfz wrote
Reply to comment by two_fish in Some trilobites had third, fourth and fifth eyes located in the middle of their forehead — with lenses not unlike human eyes by marketrent
Really? I’ve heard not unlike used all the Damn time. Pretty easy to grasp by now.