
PreferredSelection t1_jdiosnt wrote

7/11's are full of strange people, not your fault.

I would say, Stud likely fits here, but is probably not the best way to describe this person unless she has self-identified as such to you. They're a pretty divisive group, and a lot of butch women with similar aesthetics might not want to be called that.

(It'd be kind of like calling somebody 'trad wife' when they're just cottagecore. Small difference in aesthetic, big difference in values.)


PreferredSelection t1_j118rx2 wrote

Approx age? There's stuff I'd recommend to a 12 year old but not a 3 year old.

Townsends, for sure. Townsends above all else - especially content made by Jon. (Some of his crew are good, but Jon has that Mister Rogers spark.)

PBS Eons if they want to learn about dinosaurs and prehistoric megafauna. (They do mention extinction events, which might be scary for very young kids.)

I'll second Crash Course.

Tasting History with Max Miller, if they're like 10+. The content is clean and very good, but he's not going to give you a super simplified narrative.