
Pricklypicklepump t1_j6mjwut wrote

Speaking from experience, she is 100% more likely to cheat if you take her back.

If you don't respect yourself, why would she respect you?

End this and every single relationship where cheating is involved. If you were married 21 years, I'd still give you the same advice.


Pricklypicklepump t1_j6mjl1u wrote

Rip the band aid off. You've wasted two more years of this girls life that you didn't need to waste. 2 years where she could have been back in her old city, working her old job and getting over her failed relationship with you surrounded by people she loves. Instead, you've spent the past two years letting her becoming more dependant and reliant on you, which is going to hurt her more in the long run.


Pricklypicklepump t1_j6hg5tv wrote

It's over, you ruined it. While you might not have cheated, downloading a dating app behind your GFs back is a far cry from being "faithful".

She's right to dump you and she'll be right to not take you back.

Take this as a learning experience. If you think you love someone, don't download dating apps behind their back.


Pricklypicklepump t1_iyd35e5 wrote

My SO suffers anxiety and depression, so I know what you're going through. If she was feeling like this, I'd want her to take whatever time she needs.

You're a young cub yet, loads of miles ahead of you. Focus on getting your headspace right and the dating will happen when you're ready for it.

Talking yourself out of liking someone sounds like an excellent problem to have. If I could do that, half the mistakes I made in my life might not have happened.

OP if you haven't been to see a doctor yet, I'd recommend it. Like I say, my SO suffers similarly to you and since she's had medication, her life is a whole lot easier.

Inbox me anytime you want to chat.


Pricklypicklepump t1_iyd13mk wrote

Don't worry about upsetting people. Your mental health is the priority and a happy you is more important than an upset randomer. Moving is hard, moving cities is harder and it's wise of you to postpone a date if you're not feeling ready for it.

Take whatever time you need to get your head right. Dating can wait and if this potential date is worth it, they'll wait too.