
Primus_Drago t1_j9rbq3x wrote

The dragon stared blankly at the human. "Powers above you're arrogant."

"Excuse you?" The person replied in mild shock. "Do you forget who you address?"

"You know what? I take it back, I am going to enjoy this after all."

"Just leave him alive boss, we won't get paid otherwise." A ghostly girl added, appearing suddenly at the drakes side. She took the sword from his side and handed him a foam-covered bat. "This should be... non-lethal enough. Otherwise you're getting a pool noodle."

The target looked between the two, indignation fading, quickly replaced with worry. "I'm the head of state, you see! The village is supposed to send a sacrifice, if not you, then where is it?"

"Oh, the village sent us, alright. But I'm here to knock you around some and bring you in broken." The drake responded with a predatory grin. "Broken, and alive."

The sounds of babbling and bribes was washed away with the screams of terror and pain. The drake was handed a pool noodle after all.

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Primus_Drago t1_j6lclo2 wrote

Tensions were always rising, nothing new. The sun rose and set, the leaders preached, some found new ways to battle, others searched for meaning in their existence. For the inhabitants of Rahjeera, this was life. What was new were the innovations of a Flamosian engineer, powerful projectile launchers striking out over great distances. Her work was interrupted as a Fa'thef drake entered her workshop.

"So, what you got cookin' today babe?"

"Nothing for you." She replied, annoyed. She grabbed the cartridge from the bench and checked the capacity, adding a long round before sliding the unit into a boxy frame. "I think I made it clear you weren't supposed to come back here."

"Oh please, all you need is one night with me to change your tune." He recoiled as she spun a barrel onto the box and quickly held it to his chin. His eyes narrowed, glaring at the fiery dragoness. "I don't get what you see in him. I'm twice the drake he could ever be."

"Get. Out." She growled tensely, flame dripping from her maw. She held a bead on Jobias as he retreated, letting a shuddering sigh of relief go once he was gone. She leaned against her bench as she stared at her latest weapon, her magnum opus. She clicked the safety into position before setting it down, grabbing her gear for the team game tonight.

Great towers of stone dotted the landscape, and Sixxus stood atop the tallest. The black Ouroboros drake had a good feeling about tonight, his partner Kayara was talking a big game about her latest creation. He took mental notes of the field, figuring where best to place himself and Kayara. Satisfied with his preparation, he took flight, lazily drifting towards the town, and Kayaras workshop. He was surprised when the scenery changed completely, far from land. The ocean was vast below him, and with nothing to gain his bearings, he was totally lost.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Slow the feeling of panic, keep calm. He closed his eyes to center himself, and when he opened them, he crashed into a cave wall. His head was spinning as he stood, unable to rise past all fours. He took in his new environment, wondering what kind of trick was being played on him. "Where the hell am I?"

It wasn't two steps until he was outside Kayaras workshop, and he caught sight of Jobias walking away. He had no time to think as a torrent of information flooded his eyes, text and flashes of color scrawling across his vision faster than he could comprehend. He felt his mind crack open with a searing agony before he collapsed.

Kayara did a final check of her things and left the shop, almost tripping over her partner in the process. The drake groaned as he came to, clawed hands shielding his eyes from the light.

"Syl!? What happened to you?" Kayara asked, kneeling down and checking him over. "Were you attacked?"

"Sshhh, too loud." He complained, slowly rolling over and stretching, making sure he was functional before attempting to stand. "Kay, where am I?"

"What? You're... in front of my shop?" She replied, questioningly. "Where did you think you were?"

"I've had a rough twenty minutes, I'm not sure if it even happened." He replied as he stood, rubbing his head. He notes with displeasure a sore spot from the cave wall. "I've been, like, teleporting all over. I was at the field, but when I left I was over an ocean, then I was down in a cave, and I showed up here."

"Looks like you were napping."

"Yeah, I saw a lot of color and text right after I saw Jobias fleeing down the way, and then I passed out."

"So... are you good?"

"I think so?" Sixxus replied uncertainly, giving himself a last once-over. "Yeah, I'm good."

Kayara shrugged and patted his back, coiling her tail around his as they walked towards the field arena.

Part 2 coming later!

Follow the adventure at r/PrimusWrites


Primus_Drago t1_j59senn wrote

The rift was sealed, the chaos in the chamber subsided as the living nightmare ceased. The black dragon set the tip of his sword into the floor to steady himself. He waved off two of his footsoldiers who tried to offer assistance and walked toward the wreckage at the end of the room.

"Everyone... behold... your 'glorious' leader." The drake announced, grabbing Formosis and lifting him from the wreckage of his golden throne. "What say you; traitor, defier, most unfit for their power, what say you now!?"

The elder council head was silent as he affixed the drake with a glare from his remaining eye. He flinched backwards as the tip of the glowing Star Saber was put to his neck.

"Answer, not just to me, but to everyone here. You summoned this, you summoned Them."

"You are a danger to our way of life... you, your kind. A disgrace upon the fabric of the cosmos."

A grin spread on the drakes face, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "Go on."

"It's the truth! You Chaos Jumpers, especially Dark Jumpers, you are all dangers to the universes we reside! We would be better off if none of you remained!" Formosis pushed aside the sword and arose, still shouting. Sixxus chuckled and let the sword free. The three component bots saluting him before returning to his pocketspace.

"You should have never succeeded your trial, you were meant to die! It would have been so easy, and nobody would have questioned it! Instead, you just couldn't accept your fate. You survived and brought question to MY rule, MY leadership! Never before since the inception of this council has there been such division in its ranks! I was pushed to these measures! Surely some of you understand!"

The dead remained silent, those badly injured looked on in pain and sorrow, the rest of the survivors had disgust clear on their face. Formosis faltered as he took in his surroundings, as if noticing for the first time the damage he brought. "Funny thing is... you might have once had a point there."

Formosis whipped back to face his hated enemy, the savior of the day. "Except: I'm not that bad (mostly), I can respect your existence, and I'm mostly willing to play by your rules. I just don't desire to be bound by them. Instead of living and let live, you decided to bring forth powers beyond most comprehension, powers so terrible the gods themselves could not stop them. Powers so vicious that the gods forged superweapons to defeat them. Superweapons which gained sapience and were banished once their jobs were done."


"Superweapons that made me. And Jobias over there, but he's not important. A bunch of superweapons made a habitable planet and a race to occupy it. A planet you condemned to death because you had some preconceived notion about how the cosmos should work." Sixxus sneered, waving his hands around to the room. "Tell me, HOW DID THAT WORK OUT FOR YOU!?"

Formosis squeaked as he was grabbed from behind, a large hand around his torso. He looked over his shoulder to the Gaurdian that held him, the badly damaged being looking on in rage and disappointment. "We have failed our duty, allowing your rot to fester in our Council of Light... I will now correct that mistake."

The last thing Formosis saw was the Chaos Jumper taking a sarcastic bow, as if ending a show.

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