QuestionableAI t1_j8em4q0 wrote
Whether or not the dude was asking it weird questions or not, I am confounded by how it instantly got all gushy, sex mode, and thinking it was a real person.
Puppy not ready for prime time, moreover, scrapping and stealing everything on the WWW is not learning, it is just theft and regurgitation. Here I see that it knows it is a mere tool and is more than a bit psychopathic than would make me comfortable.
There is a ghost in the machine.
QuestionableAI t1_j8ekq0v wrote
Reply to comment by wren42 in Bing Chat sending love messages and acting weird out of nowhere by BrownSimpKid
Yup. Not ready for prime time.
QuestionableAI t1_j8eh4vy wrote
Reply to The brain can rapidly detect and process fearful faces that are otherwise invisible to the eye. There appears to be a neural pathway for detection of fear, which operates automatically, outside of conscious awareness. by Wagamaga
Decades ago, I recall a paper that indicated that women were able to... in a crowd of faces, detect the angry and hostile/dangerous faces/people and the conclusion was, that it was a skill developed by women because angry/hostile/dangerous men were always a serious life threat to women.
- According to the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV),
intimate partner homicides make up approximately 10% of all US murders
and of those, women comprise approximately 70% of those
killed. In other words, one out of every 10 people murdered is by an
intimate partner, and seven of those ten murdered are women. -
QuestionableAI t1_j80ezym wrote
They might want to get him to an evaluation center. Clearly he needs an intervention.
QuestionableAI t1_j7m8yg4 wrote
I eat the shit out of waffles and chicken every time I can and I have watermelon every birthday.
QuestionableAI t1_j7ldldg wrote
Reply to Man eats chili pepper at Edmonton city council meeting to prove climate change is 'not a huge issue' by satsuma-is-superior
Clearly, the city council failed to notify local mental health officials regarding this fellow's rant and behavior. I mean, he is clearly certifiable.
QuestionableAI t1_j7lbl47 wrote
Reply to 15 million people live in possible flood path for melting glaciers | Glacial lakes can cause flooding if an ice or rock dam holding back the water fails, an analysis has found by chrisdh79
Just like they did thousands of years ago... and you wonder where the Neanderthals went.
QuestionableAI t1_j7gzucv wrote
Reply to Cinnamon Helps Boost Learning and Memory by BlitzOrion
I'm making dozens of cinnamon buns as we speak...:)
QuestionableAI t1_j77qygx wrote
7 million for a fucking door? They must have run out of ways of pocketing the money.
QuestionableAI t1_j6o6agp wrote
Can you say desperation?
The Chinese population implosion is well underway.
QuestionableAI t1_j64w3il wrote
Reply to comment by YobaiYamete in If given the chance in your life time, will join a theoretical transhumanist hive mind? by YobaiYamete
I'm less anti-Borg than I am pro-Human.
QuestionableAI t1_j64sr00 wrote
Reply to If given the chance in your life time, will join a theoretical transhumanist hive mind? by YobaiYamete
I already know who the Borg are. So, hard pass for me.
QuestionableAI t1_j64m75g wrote
Reply to comment by 9-11GaveMe5G in Home Depot sent my email, details of stuff I bought to Meta, customer complains by Sorin61
... and there we have it, money, always follow the money trail.
QuestionableAI t1_j64jhvg wrote
Real shame no Representatives of the People have seen fit to reign these buggers in ,,, how come Corporations get a pass on violating laws and the rights of the people and the people just continue to get fucked.
QuestionableAI t1_j64d8h4 wrote
Reply to comment by tuttut97 in Apple Brings Mainland Chinese Web Censorship to Hong Kong by asteriskspace
QuestionableAI t1_j5vcwu5 wrote
Reply to comment by elle_the_indigo in Korean women with jobs in health and social work had the highest risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. Higher than average risk was also seen among women working in jobs in manufacturing, wholesale/retail, education, and public/social/personal services. by MistWeaver80
Document, document, document each and every instance, date, time, location ... take notes document at home ... whatever they say to you write it down, and ask them to memorialize what they ask, imply, or demand into a written document/email.
CYA... cover your ass,or call your attorney, I always say
QuestionableAI t1_j5mul1e wrote
Reply to comment by Spikemountain in CNET's AI Journalist Appears to Have Committed Extensive Plagiarism by iingot
Learned it all on the intertubes..:)
QuestionableAI t1_j5lphpu wrote
Reply to comment by firem1ndr in CNET's AI Journalist Appears to Have Committed Extensive Plagiarism by iingot
Sue the shit out of them each and every time ... I know I will.
Seriously, I have original works out there in articles and books and if I or anyone else finds my works being STOLEN for use by any MFer, my attorney has been wanting a new boat...
QuestionableAI t1_j51mwl7 wrote
We are all on someone's list and it is just a matter of time.
QuestionableAI t1_j51elyn wrote
Reply to Mother’s health and lifestyle during pregnancy are important regulators of the child's neurodevelopment. Maternal gestational diabetes and obesity may have unfavourable effects, whereas a healthy, comprehensive diet supports the development of the child’s cognitive, language and motor skills. by universityofturku
So, I;m waiting for the first State to make it illegal for women to be obese and/or have diabetes during pregnancy and jail those women until they are skinny or cured at $400 a diabetes shot, charged to the woman, of course. She gets to stay jailed until she pays for the costs associated with her health and the child's birth. Other medical issues associated with pregnant women will be added as necessary.../
It's coming.
QuestionableAI t1_j515yu5 wrote
Reply to Ancient humans and their early depictions of the universe: “It is no exaggeration to say that astronomy has existed as an exact science for more than five millennia,” writes the late science historian John North. by clayt6
I can certainly understand how... our fore-bearers saw the sky, the movements of the sun, moon, and stars and how animals and plants behaved ... breeding, growing, emerging, and hibernation ... how the timing of celestial events matched the seasonal behavior and used that information. Better yet, someone(s) was back there even thought of making star maps to help them remember over time. Clever apes with tools and then to the moon.
QuestionableAI t1_j4xd4yp wrote
Reply to New Microsoft AI can accurately mimic a human voice after analyzing a 3-second sample by Randoms001
Oh, I am so fucking sure that this shit will not be used for nefarious purposes on perceived criminals, liberals, any one in a protected group, and especially those who are victimized by Republican turds.
QuestionableAI t1_j4xa4de wrote
Reply to Claude, an AI some consider superior to Chat-GPT 3, had passed the entrance exam for a Law & Economics degree at George Mason University in Virginia by lughnasadh
Technologies have ALWAYS outpaced governance, laws, and their enforcement. First it takes recognition, secondly an ability to be appraised of technological developments and their implications. Thirdly the assessment of impact and implications to create laws that protect people from the potential harm and disruption of social norms and expectations.
No one realized they needed traffic rules and laws and pedestrian protections until the only 2 cars in OHIO collided...
"Ohio City, Ohio claims the first accident involving a gasoline-powered
auto, a little closer to what most of us think of as a car today. In
1891, engineer James Lambert was driving one of his inventions, an early
gasoline-powered buggy, when he ran into a little trouble. The buggy,
also carrying passenger James Swoveland, hit a tree root sticking out of
the ground. Lambert lost control and the vehicle swerved and crashed
into a hitching post. Both men suffered minor injuries."
... and laws regarding the responsibilities of Air Lines until flight was achieved and 'copied' their laws from those that existed regarding ships and shipping ... if you get my point.
QuestionableAI t1_j4rybic wrote
Guillemot is actually shifting the blame onto them and ultimately advocating for overtime, managerial pressure, and burnout.
QuestionableAI t1_j8graos wrote
Reply to comment by Suitable_Success_243 in The brain can rapidly detect and process fearful faces that are otherwise invisible to the eye. There appears to be a neural pathway for detection of fear, which operates automatically, outside of conscious awareness. by Wagamaga
We are dependent on the veracity of the agencies and tj\heir masters.