
RBTropical t1_ja5gxjh wrote

Why did you even bother to get one if you own a PC? All Xbox games are on PC and most major PS exclusives have come to the PC. The PS5 controller works on a PC.

The PS5 was just a midrange PC 2 years ago, with more expensive games and online you have to pay for. Weird move, OP.

As for your main gripe - play these games on PC and up the settings?


RBTropical t1_j9yk8h0 wrote

But you’re suggesting buying a PC after buying a console?

A cheap KB+M is like $20, and you can just play with a controller at a TV like you would with a console - this is how my brother plays.

After you spend extra on games and online the price is the same.


RBTropical t1_j9yi0le wrote

Why aren’t you interested? A console is basically a PC these days - RyZen CPU, RDNA graphics, M.2 SSD. You’re basically buying a PC anyway, you’re just locked into that hardware and ecosystem. If you have a PC you don’t need a console - can’t see why you’d spend the money twice?


RBTropical t1_j9yh5mw wrote

If you’re concerned about performance - get neither and build a PC which beats them for $600-800.

All Xbox exclusives are on PC, both controllers work on PC and most PS5 exclusives have come or are coming to Steam (GoW, TLOU, Spider-Man, Horizon)

Games are also significantly cheaper and online play is free, so the extra spend would be made back quite quickly. You also get permanent backwards compatibility.


RBTropical t1_j9r4vgj wrote

Most PS exclusives are either on Steam or coming to Steam. For the price of a PS5 you could buy a GPU (like a used 3080) which would outperform it. Don’t get the PS5.

Edit: looking at your setup, your GPU isn’t an issue. Your CPU is EXTREMELY old/slow and will be bottling the card massively in most games, not just HL. You need a new CPU.


RBTropical t1_j9jvxzn wrote

Reply to comment by Anubra_Khan in Owning two consoles by FishingOk4088

Because graphics just getting steadily slightly better isn’t innovation, gameplay mechanics are?

There’s nothing revolutionary about Sony hardware, so not really sure why you’re making this a hill to die on. It’s a generation old PC hardware, how is this innovative? Meanwhile Nintendo made their mainstream console a handheld….

“I’m sorry you have to choose” - buddy, I’m sorry you had to resort to a personal attack because you can’t argue the point at hand. I have a gaming PC which cost 10x the amount your PS5 did, plus a PS4 and a switch. Oh, and the graphics are FAR superior to your PS4/5 versions.

I recommend you save up a little each month so you can afford therapy for a clear inferiority complex.

As for PS exclusives - Spider Man, Horizon, God of War and soon to be the Last of Us are all on Steam. As I said - most big exclusives have come to the PC.

Grow the fuck up and learn to argue and exist in reality rather than making petty childish comments about finances you know nothing about. It’s clear by your salty and sad comments you only make statements to defend your own purchasing decisions, and your comments and opinions aren’t grounded in reality but what makes you feel better. Sad.

PixelPerfect - No, Sony has only just started releasing games on Steam. Miles Morales was very quick, and the version of TLOU is the remastered one released at the same time as PS5…


RBTropical t1_j9j4igq wrote

Reply to comment by Anubra_Khan in Owning two consoles by FishingOk4088

Sony isn’t remotely the most innovative in the industry - sorry. That’s either indie PC devs or Nintendo.

With all Xbox exclusives being on PC and most Sony ones making their way there, 0 reason to buy a PS5 (even more so soon as we’re approaching the point where a PC can be had for the same price if you’re smart).

PC is the way to go atm.


RBTropical t1_j6i5gl9 wrote

On eBay sure - but as you stated you got your current one from a thrift store, you could likely find another in the US for a similar price. Even if it was $20, that money on a sure thing is still a better bet than wasting $20 on something which might not work.


RBTropical t1_j6i12f0 wrote

I’m not sure about the inter-compatibility of PSUs on a PS1, but for the price of a new PSU you could probably just get an American PS1?

You have no way of knowing what else got fried after the capacitors blew, the system board could be fine or it could be completely fried.

I’m not even sure how easy it would be to source JUST the PSU or if you could even swap them. Again, you’d be better off sourcing a new console.


RBTropical t1_j3s5onx wrote

Ahh ok. Even for the cost of a Series X, you can get a pretty decent PC from used parts these days. Look into it - I picked up a 3800x the other day for £100. 3700x usually goes for that. So:

3700x: £100 16gb RAM: £50 Case: £50 Mobo: £50 PSU: £60 SSD: £50

Leaves you £90 for a GPU if you MUST match the Xbox. I’m seeing 6800s go for £250 on eBay. You could probs get some of the above parts cheaper too, but for £160 more than an Xbox you’ve got a whole gaming PC which can play all the Xbox games, PC games and most PS5 games, with free online and cheaper games making up most of the £160 difference (games usually £20-30 cheaper, live £50 a year etc)


RBTropical t1_j3s4kav wrote

Why get the PS5 or the Xbox? Most of Sony’s exclusives are/have come to the PC, and all of Xbox’s do.

I’d return the Series X and upgrade your PC with the money. Used parts are selling v affordably atm.
