
RavenReel t1_j3g71iy wrote

Afyer a heart attack I got over my agoraphobia enough to travel about 1-2 hours by car. I won't go anywhere else in the world but Antarctica doesn't scare me. Maybe it's because I know it's not possible for me to go, but I think the lack of people and knowing a Dr. would likely be close, keep me a bit fearless.


RavenReel t1_ivglohr wrote

This is just all a big baiting game I see.

Second point first... Russia doesn't really matter as I said 'West' and Putin isn't listening to anyone anyway.

And Calais wasnt built by France to contain 'the enemy'. To the best of my knowledge Calais was an organic migrant camp started by migrants as they waited to legally enter France or return to England.

I'm talking about government run camps built in order to control an 'enemy' county's people is a prison-like compound.


RavenReel t1_ivcyau0 wrote

Sorry.i misunderstood.

Internment camps wouldn't happen today. Not the slightest chance.

And I shouldn't say everyone. There is always a certain portion of the population that are fighting for rights. Tens of thousands of Germans just showed up so let's say the vast majority didn't want Germans wandering around possibly spying.


RavenReel t1_ivckrff wrote

It implies that in the early 1900s there wasn't close to as much immigration as there is now and big brutal wars were kinda common. Having 20,000 immigrants or refugees coming from the country attacking you might be a little overwhelming and dangerous. The only thing they could do was to isolate people. There likely wasn't a decision to punish the Germans because they were Jews. It was likely to protect the Allies. Everyone was on board because they might have lost the war otherwise. You or I don't know the complete context of camps, we weren't there. And 'you' have no idea how '1940 you' would react to the camps.