
RedTheDopeKing t1_j39duz8 wrote

That’s still one of the things you do in war, we just have less war now. It’s not gone forever I promise you. Russia is using rockets to destroy infrastructure in Ukraine, taking their power offline, trying to freeze people in winter.

I think people are the same as we always have been, deep down, and always will be. I don’t think we’re striving towards one day having some utopia, people like to ignore the ugly side of humanity but it’s there.


RedTheDopeKing t1_ivib0d4 wrote

Hey there mr. hot dog vendor, look what I’ve got - COCAINE!

Hey there mr. shoe shine guy! Look what I’ve got - COCAINE!

Hey mr. zoo animal check out this cocaine! Hey little boy with a b-b-b-balloon! Cocaine!

Hey there mr police officer, I - oh shit!