
Relax007 t1_jcifyr4 wrote

A dealership sold me a car with window tint that exceeded what PA allows. He told me that like it was cool and I made him take it off before I left with it. I was like 20 years old any not trying to invite police attention lol.

(This isn’t to refute what your saying. It just sparked a memory that seemed relevant. It wasn’t from the factory like that.)


Relax007 t1_j1ma4lk wrote

I see that too here in backwoods Trump country. Like, yeah, people are afraid to put signs up because cult members might attack them.

Also, they cover their yards with signs the way teenagers cover their rooms with posters of celebrities they love. They’re just politicians. Calm the fuck down. I like some of them, but I’m not making it my identity.


Relax007 t1_iz4g3pd wrote

Yeah. The way I understand it is the intention of such laws is to avoid the situation I’m in where my neighbor has turned his yard into a junkyard right up to my property line. There are at least a dozen uninspected junk cars (among other various items of trash).

We have a law, but no one enforces it because he’s an asshole and no one wants to deal with him. I can’t afford a fence, so I don’t go outside anymore. I now completely understand why those laws exist, but they’re useless if they only enforce them on people like OP who try not to bother anyone and they think won’t throw a fit.


Relax007 t1_ixnzgg2 wrote

It was so anticlimactic. Obviously, I didn’t send them a blank check. One year while I was once again calling them to tell them I hadn’t lived there in years, the woman said she’d taken care of it. I’d heard that before. So, I was being a little sarcastic and I said, “Ok, well I’m sure I’ll talk to you again next year.” And I never had to. It finally took.


Relax007 t1_ixmiot0 wrote

It took me SIX YEARS to sort out a situation exactly like this (lived in a college town for six months and they insisted on billing me every year after, including late feels for years). I even had a relative helping me. The relative was the TAX COLLECTOR for the town I actually lived in! At one point they couldn’t tell me what I owed and helpfully suggested I send a blank check and they’d take care of it!

Sucks, man. Hope you can get it worked out.


Relax007 t1_ixcjdal wrote

You are omitting the fact that reliable birth control methods were not widely known, accepted, or available. Birth control wasn’t even legal and the pill hadn’t been invented. Of course more children were born before women were able to prevent pregnancy.


Relax007 t1_ix9h9un wrote

I feel ya. I waited until I was at a point where we could afford to have a child and electricity/housing/student loans. By then, it was too late for us. It’s probably for the best. I’ll never be able to afford to put any money aside for a child’s future. I’ve paid off all of the money I borrowed for school and I still owe significantly more than I borrowed. I’ll likely pay on them until I’m dead. They’re more than my monthly mortgage and eat up 25% of my take home pay.


Relax007 t1_ix94ktp wrote

JP Morgan:

I swear I saw an article about Wells Fargo doing this, but I can’t find it anywhere so maybe I was mistaken.

Lloyds (largest lending institution in the UK:

Mainly corporations are doing this (as someone noted, Blackrock)

There are better sources, but I’m a little time crunched. I’ll come back and edit if I have time, but a Google search turns up lots of articles about that problem from different perspectives/areas.


Relax007 t1_ix8ghrl wrote

So basically, millennials couldn’t afford kids. The resulting smaller generation that watched their older relatives get absolutely wrecked by student loans aren’t lining up to take the same lifetime vow of poverty. Shocking.

Edited to add, the fact that we have not fixed even one of the factors that made millennials have less kids will probably also contribute. If anything, it’s gotten worse since we’re now allowing the same banks that crashed the economy to buy up all of the housing and rent it back to us.