
Remerez t1_jdtggnt wrote

Reply to comment by jason375 in Towing at the VCU 7/11 by Allkin06

Oh so your story is the example of what everyone should do.

Hell I bet you think your shit doesn't stink either.

Debt trap of owning a car? You must be very young. The walking score of richmond is dog shit. You need a car if you want to have a job or do literally anything here. The alternative is wait for the bus which is only frequent in vcu area.

You need to understand that siding with a company over the people is never a smart move.


Remerez t1_jdtfyef wrote

Reply to comment by jason375 in Towing at the VCU 7/11 by Allkin06

You clearly are not low income or a struggling college student.

I sold everything I owned to go to college. If my car was towed I would have been fucked for a very long time.

But you don't care do you. Shit I bet you are the type of person that enjoys watching others suffer.


Remerez t1_jcm2lan wrote

Reply to comment by bozatwork in Still no Fridaily? by Sandwichsplicer

Yep, everything was written up to be full-time, but in state government, you have to go through a whole year of probation where they can fire you for literally anything. They stated I was fired because I was too nice to individuals, and creating an equitable creative process took too much decision-making power away from leadership. It's 100% trumped-up charges so that they could get HR on their side. Even then, the Head of HR apologized and said I did nothing wrong in her eyes as she walked me out of the building. And this was after I helped them run the best Convention they have ever put on and helped raise the most money they ever raised for the state charity program by me creating an extremely well-received gameshow for the fundraiser event. I met and exceeded every expectation and was still fired.

I didn't know until after I was fired that the leadership has been having issues with work processes for a long time with the various programs and teams. My trying to create a creative process that shared power and leaned on multiple perspectives was seen as a threat to their control.


Remerez t1_jclcogu wrote

I was fired from my job because they lied about it being a full-time position. They said they tried posting the job as part-time but couldn't find good candidates, so they decided to pull a bait and switch and lie that it was full-time. And they said it to me like they did absolutely nothing wrong. The worst part it was the State government, and they have a one year probation period, so they had the right to fire me for any reason since I was still on probation.

I honestly don't think I will be able to recover from this. I have already started skipping my medication so that it will last longer.


Remerez t1_jadwv8y wrote

Oh you're anti-union, I get it now.

You know you can stop being an armchair judge and actually look into the stuff yourself. people who get paid more have higher job satisfaction and higher job satisfaction means they will volunteer their time more and systems will run more smoothly because of less animosity. higher pay means better teachers, and better teachers mean little johnny gets a better education.

Do you get it now?


Remerez t1_jadv6xm wrote

You are concern trolling and implying that this whole step towards progress is going to be only used for monetary gain. Your whole argument is that these people only want more money, and they will do nothing else. You see them in bad faith based on personal beliefs and not those people's actions.

Having pessimistic viewpoints on future events is a type of delusion. it's best to either be optimistic or say I don't know. Because the more negative beliefs of the future we hold the more it will affect our outlook on the world and our actions.


Remerez t1_jadl62f wrote

Some people would rather their pessimism come true to feel right and in control. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. The fact they are unionizing means they know what they are doing.

Also, Richmond is a very anti-union area. I can't tell you how many people I have met here believe unions are good for nothing and take your money. I see a union like a bulletproof vest. Even a shitty vest is better than nothing.


Remerez t1_iydbgq5 wrote

I go to DC from Richmond a few times a year for work or fun, and it used to be you could sit by yourself the whole trip. Now it's common to be on a packed train and have to sit next to somebody. I understand, though. It's so lovely being able to read a book on the train to DC instead of being stuck in traffic.


Remerez t1_iyd2epz wrote

I ride my bike to work from Bellevue to Downtown every day, and there honestly hasn't been a day where a person doesn't walk into the bike lane without looking, and I have to slam on my breaks, or some idiot thinks the bike lane also works as a parking spot. I wish cops ticketed people for parking in the bike lane, but I have seen cops even do it, so I don't think they give a shit.

This whole city is just a giant game of "what are you gonna do about it" with the people in power breaking whatever fundamental human law they want. And every perpetrator will also use some bigoted perspective for why they get to break the law and inconvenience everyone around them.

I remember right in front of penny lane, a bunch of drunk idiots filling up the bike lane, and when I asked them to move, the group all told me to fuck off and started calling me a bike bitch. They were in the wrong 100000,% but they couldn't give a fuck because this is Richmond and who gives a shit about doing the right thing.

This shit gets me boiled. The idea of dying while on the way to work because of some idiot being selfish makes me want to pull the moon from the sky and punt it into the sun.

My rant is over. I will rest.