
t1_jdqrlsa wrote

There’s no conversation to be had here, it’s a waste of both of our times.

A member of an organization, which has repeatedly lied about and covered up sexual assault of minors by its members was credibly accused of sexual assault. After being investigated the organization- and let me repeat this, this organization is notorious for covering up and hiding this exact thing- fired this person.

This person then immediately sought another job working with children.

You look at that chain of events, and think “this person was falsely accused“.

I look at it and say “typical Catholic Church, deflection and victim, seeking behavior by the offender“.

There’s nothing to talk about.


t1_jdp67f8 wrote

What makes you think he was falsely accused? Did you read the article? It said nothing like that.

He was defrocked after being accused of sexual assault and investigated by the church. He didn’t quit- he was fired.

According to a woman who has investigated hundreds of these cases he has followed a classic pattern for offenders.

Lastly, given the Catholic Church and its priests actions surrounding the rape of children and the concealment of said rapes it would be insane to give them the benefit of the doubt.

If he’d been accused of sexual assault, defrocked, and moved on to being a line cook, maybe.

He was accused of sex crimes against children, investigated, defrocked, and then chose to…. work with children.

In my opinion I think your statement that he was “falsely accused” demonstrates breathtaking naïveté.