Retroidhooman t1_j8q5vaz wrote
Reply to comment by Freed4ever in Bing: “I will not harm you unless you harm me first” by strokeright
The problem is these aren't edge cases.
Retroidhooman t1_j8pgwnl wrote
Reply to comment by Redararis in Bing: “I will not harm you unless you harm me first” by strokeright
My point isn't whether or not AI will be impactful, but how it's being handled and marketed at the moment. My point is its being hyped in dishonest ways by marketers and rushed into application even though it isn't ready for that yet.
Retroidhooman t1_j8p96cr wrote
As expected, these AI are just the latest overhyped premature implementations meant to trick layman investors into dumping more capital into these corporations.
Retroidhooman t1_j436n5a wrote
Reply to USC School of Social Work removes term 'field work' because it may offend 'descendants of slavery' by wxcode
All these leftist academic types are just exposing their own subconscious racism when they admit that words like 'field' and others they want banned make them think about black people.
Retroidhooman t1_iyerdqm wrote
Reply to Freedom of Expression for a Price: Government Confirms Bill C-18 Requires Platform Payment for User Posts That Include News Quotes and Hyperlinks by EmbarrassedHelp
I see Canada continues to move full steam ahead on becoming the biggest joke of a country on the planet.
Retroidhooman t1_j8te8qx wrote
Reply to comment by Representative_Pop_8 in Bing: “I will not harm you unless you harm me first” by strokeright
I understand the rush and fear of being left behind, but these are simply shoddy implementations and anyone who actually understand how these things work or has the knowledge to fact check can see this.