
RiddleofSteel t1_jcft31b wrote

Totally get it, but on the Long Island sub for instance if someone asked for help like this you'd get one jerk response and mostly helpful. Seems the opposite here.

Also seems like anytime I've asked about places to bring my family on vacation in Vermont or made the mistake of asking about a place to move there I got all nasty responses. Just reeks of xenophobia and small mindedness and to be honest it's disappointing because I always saw Vermont as the friendlier and more open minded version of New Hampshire. Instead you guys come off like a bunch of angry southern rednecks who think you are your own country.


RiddleofSteel t1_jcc7uc0 wrote

It's funny, I had wanted to move to Vermont until I read this sub. Vermonters are absolutely awful if this place is any indication, and this is from a Long Islander. Think they need to revisit for the rudest state.


RiddleofSteel t1_jae86b3 wrote

>Lived 10 years in a neighborhood where MS-13 carved up 4 kids with machetes down the block, shootings were a weekly occurrence, and had to have a baseball bat handy to deal with the crack heads strung out from the drug dealer living next door. Sorry bunch of country bumpkins with a military fetish doesn't really scare me.


RiddleofSteel t1_jadj8q2 wrote

Yes starting my own farmstead is weird shit in the woods. I'm not some prepper, I just see Vermont as being one of the safest places to move my family to. My grandfather was a farmer and he taught me a lot and after a long career in IT, would love to get back to nature for my retirement and not have to worry about feeding myself next time some COVID like disaster comes around. You couldn't pay me to move down south for a whole plethora of reasons.


RiddleofSteel t1_jadc9rh wrote

Yeah, reason I'm going to buy 100 Acres + so I don't have to deal with neighbors too much. Surprised what assholes most of them seem like though. Even Long Island is a lot more welcoming and if you think housing prices are silly in Vermont, LOL.


RiddleofSteel t1_jad9if6 wrote

I'll be building the house, so don't worry not stealing one from the locals. This is literally part of my research to see what people who have lived there their whole life think. Not sure if it's reddit bias but unfortunately most Vermonters here seem like xenophobic asshats blaming their own failures in life on outsiders. However I'm not moving to Vermont for the friendly townies in fact further away from people the better. You just happen to rate the highest in the US for stability as the environment collapses on us over the next 20-30 years. I want my kids to have a safe place to go.
