
RingGiver t1_j9vavdm wrote

That's how additional bases work. You can go above 10 (most commonly base-16) by finding additional symbols too.

If you want to have it be anything more than a mathematical curiosity, you would have to find a practical application for it.

Binary's largest practical application is in digital systems, where every signal can ultimately be broken down into series discrete "on" or "off" switches on a circuit board.

Consider a byte of data. Instead of thinking of it as a number between 0 and 255 (inclusive), think of it as an electrical circuit with eight switches. Each bit desugnates one of those switches as on or off. 00000000 might mean that they are all in the off position, while 11111111 would likewise mean that they are in the on position.

If you were working with a system with three-position switches, a trinary number system like you describe would fit it well, but I don't know of any systems with "off," "on," and "more" as the switch positions.


RingGiver t1_j295lu4 wrote

A dancer's shoes will likely not last more than a few weeks. The dancer's feet will change over time, and each new pair of shoes will need to be a perfect fit.

Getting new shoes custom-measured and custom-made would be insanely expensive (especially considering how many dancers would have to have shoes), so mass-production of shoes which get modified by the end user is the most viable way of doing it.


RingGiver t1_iu83re5 wrote

If you think that this sort of thing is only a feature of the past, you should remember that there are a lot of people involved in higher education administration who claim that it is racist to NOT discriminate against applicants of Asian descent.