
RisinSon t1_ixywxt2 wrote

I also eat plant based and agree with you to not consume another species milk <that has nature's intended purpose of turning a calf into a cow>. Got divorced before being vegan (while eating butter). Haven't gotten married again so can't fully add to these statistics. However my situation goes against correlation. The data and some comments here are funny though! And isn't that what's it's all about sometimes? Lol.


RisinSon t1_ixigt15 wrote

Yes! The pin makes a big difference. I see the problem at your house. Sometimes deliveries like that will leave a note to call upon arrival and they tell me how to proceed which is super helpful too. Though that would be your neighbors job and out of your control. Seems like you have taken the necessary steps to hopefully solve this!


RisinSon t1_ixi9ymq wrote

However a seasoned driver like myself will almost always look for a house number before making the final drop off. And other tips like evens on one side, odds on the other. But there are a lot of younger drivers out there that didn't know the skills of driving before GPS. I used to deliver pizza with no GPS... thinking about it today seems crazy.


RisinSon t1_ixi9m28 wrote

I just learned this last week. Gotta pass it on. Together we can beat the issue! As drivers we depend on a navigation on our phone (especially at night) - usually Google maps unless they have Apple. I find this very helpful for future deliveries and happy to take to 15 seconds to make someone's life better!


RisinSon t1_ixhvk95 wrote

🤣 I dash and deliver in Bangor area. I've updated Google maps a few times for orders on the outskirts. So I think you missed a step 7. Change gps location to 1 mile down the road. Haha. But in all seriousness,.. mostly the job works fine and more than half of the customers are great or decent! Comedy is good, and a perfect way to vent.