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Imagine_Gravity_0007 t1_ixwjday wrote

Did anyone calculate the margarine of error ?


Icolan t1_ixzrobv wrote

You can do butter than that!


MaineChowder71 t1_ixw271v wrote

Who the hell still eats margarine? I was raised on that shit and will never put that garbage in my body now.


Alternative_Sort_404 t1_ixxxaw0 wrote

The introduction of hydrogenated oils did not lower the incidence of heart disease (as ‘Promised’) - but rather exacerbated the problem. Use real butter, just not a shit-ton on everything you eat


meowmix778 t1_ixw0x45 wrote

This is what big margarine has always wanted.


BigNutzBlue t1_ixz6d3s wrote

Big Margarine 😂😂. That’s awesome.


TarantinoFan23 t1_ixz91k9 wrote

Soy oil is actually one of the biggest corporate products in the world


Commercial-Amount344 t1_ixw56tz wrote

We only eat butter and we are poor. We will sell plasma to eat butter over margarine. Been married 12-13 years now.


The_Red_Crab t1_ixw7my1 wrote

Used margarine for many years. After divorce went strictly butter. Hmmm.


IamSauerKraut t1_ixxgct1 wrote

Farmer Brown sends you his thanks.

Bossie only says thanks at milking time.


Invisible00101001 t1_ixwo7uh wrote

A beautiful example of how correlation does not equal causation.


TarantinoFan23 t1_ixz8izt wrote

That is a beautiful example of someone making an assessment without investigating the data fully. You ass


Invisible00101001 t1_ixzbizy wrote

I'm sorry, maybe I'm missing something here. So I'm going to ignore your insult for a moment and see if I can understand.

Are you suggesting that this data, which you have "investigated fully" shows that margarine consumption causes divorce?


TarantinoFan23 t1_ixzdn34 wrote

Another faulty conclusion from you.

I am just saying that by looking at this graph, you have no way to tell if they are correlated or not. We would need to see margin usage by relationship to make that distinction.


bramblebog t1_ixzg1zm wrote

This is part of a series, "Spurious correlations," which shows absurd examples of statistical correlation that clearly lack any causal link.

Why you calling folks asses?


Invisible00101001 t1_ixzk58e wrote

On further review, I think he just doesn't understand what "correlated" means. I kinda feel bad now.


TarantinoFan23 t1_iy1fbnt wrote

Ah you are right , mistyped corralled. I meant to say, you can't conclude there's no causation relationship just from the graph.


Invisible00101001 t1_iy1vbnk wrote

Which is exactly what i said in my post when you called me an ass. The words you're looking for are:

"I'm sorry."


Invisible00101001 t1_ixzi4fd wrote

I'll admit that I didn't run a statistical analysis to determine standard deviations and P values to conclusively say that there is linear correlation. I just kinda made that assumption based on the similarity of the data curves that are presented and that, you know, the graph is literally titled " Divorce Rates in Maine Correlates with Margarine Consumption per Capita."

Then I made an innocent little comment about how correlation doesn't always equal causation and for some reason you're coming after me as if that insulted you somehow. Meanwhile you're not even disagreeing with me. You just don't think I did my homework adequately??

So, instead, you're gonna show up to call me "an ass" because I didn't check "margin usage" to determine distinctions on a relationship between divorce and margarine usage? On a joking/nonserious post in a maine subreddit? Are you fucking kidding me dude?? Who hurt you and made you like this?


RatherNerdy t1_ixzktzs wrote

There's certainly an ass here, but it's not who you think it is


Guygan t1_ixvvgbu wrote

I think it’s more correlated with your spouse fucking other people. But maybe that’s just me.


lantech t1_ixvxyds wrote

why does margarine make them do that?


meowmix778 t1_ixw1067 wrote

It's country crock. Fills you with uncontrolled lust.


Vtguy802812 t1_ixw23lr wrote

Country Crock for when you want that Country Cock


Artistic-Baseball-81 t1_ixwviwh wrote

We always had margarine growing up, but we still called it butter. My grandma would get "real butter" for Christmas dinner. Now I only buy butter, but I cant help but refer to it as "real butter"


ScenePlayful1872 t1_ixw0mrz wrote

🎞 Last Tango in Paris: “Go get the butter”


Guygan t1_ixwceho wrote

The actress in that anal rape scene was essentially raped. The scene was non-consensual and she has had years of trauma from it.

Not really a great thing to joke about.


GreatJobKeepitUp t1_ixw5as9 wrote

Everyone knows you can use margarine to get people to break up


DidDunMegasploded t1_ixwd8qq wrote

What is this weird food you call "margarine"? Butter has only graced our family.


starchildofME t1_ixz4tai wrote

LOL I love examples of correlation does not always equal causation.


False_Code t1_ixyxjey wrote

Hahaha I remember when this was posted around this time a few years ago


Tumbleweed-53 t1_ixz8ne8 wrote

The economy too. When economy is bad couples stay together.


EasternMaine t1_ixzt4t7 wrote

Is this a great example of correlation vs causation.


binbinfromthe7 t1_ixyr34p wrote

Anything is better than that nasty ass butter that's made with breastmilk from a different species 🤢🤮


RisinSon t1_ixywxt2 wrote

I also eat plant based and agree with you to not consume another species milk <that has nature's intended purpose of turning a calf into a cow>. Got divorced before being vegan (while eating butter). Haven't gotten married again so can't fully add to these statistics. However my situation goes against correlation. The data and some comments here are funny though! And isn't that what's it's all about sometimes? Lol.


Mjolnir36 t1_ixyub1g wrote

Margarine was invented to fatten up domestic poultry, when the substance instead killed said poultry, the companies and scientists that had spent millions developing it figured ; What the hell, we’ll sell it for human consumption. You can literally feel it clogging your arteries.


binbinfromthe7 t1_ixyvvei wrote

Are you saying that butter made from cow breastmilk is healthy?🤣🤣🤣 are you really that fucking stupid??


Mjolnir36 t1_ixywafl wrote

Where did l say it was healthy? It has to be healthier that hydrogenated vegetable oil that has been proven to be artery clogging garbage. No processed fats are good for the human body. I’d love to compare brain pans with you but since you’re all out there claiming people are stupid, you’re not worth my time.


binbinfromthe7 t1_ixywldv wrote

Oh no😢 I'm not worthy of your time🤷‍♂️ but here you are saying that butter made with cowbreast milk doesn't clog arteries ? Please, go be stupid somewhere else. Not trying to debate a fucking moron like you.
