
t1_j2vepy7 wrote

Alright let's list out your stuff


  • You've played on PS4
  • You like the PS4 controller
  • You have 9 games on PS4
  • may not like the PS5 controller


  • You like gamepass
  • You don't think you'd like the controller
  • You've never played an Xbox before, or at least only one time.

You weren't really clear on which console your friends play on.

Id say go with the PS5, disc edition if you can. Playstation has PS+, which I hear is a pretty decent service, while not quite on par with gamepass has its fair share of good games. Get a modded controller, or one that feels/looks similar to the PS4 controller. Also, I'm pretty sure PS4 controller works on PS5s. Or you could also just straight up get a modded controller that suits your needs. You seem to be leaning towards PS5 anyway, stick with that.


t1_j1yirqq wrote

Sure thing. The controllers are not as good as they used to be, only when it comes to durability. I have had to replace two Xbox wireless controllers ($60). This is because they started to drift.

Basically, I would say to get a warranty on any controller you buy. If you manage to have it last longer than the warranty, I think you get your money's worth. If It drifts before the warranty is up, get it replaced.

It is a very comfortable controller, and I wouldn't recommend third party controllers because of this. They may not be as good as they used to be, but I still believe they are some of the best in the market.

Edit: NOT ELITE SERIES 2 ($130)... GOD no. I am not Bill Gates


t1_j1yeccc wrote

  • I've been on Xbox my whole life, it's what I am most comfortable with.
  • The games that I care about are not exclusive to either console most of the time.
  • PC (Windows) and Xbox cloud save allows me to switch between the two whenever.
  • Streaming my Xbox console on my PC so I can use the simple Xbox UI on my PC while doing my other school related activities.
  • Microsoft is starting to invest heavily into gaming with their acquisitions of various large publishers/developers (Ie. Blizzard, Bathesda)

This is a bite-sized list, but ask any specific questions about the Series X and I'll help out the best I can.


t1_j1piis8 wrote

If you don't mind double dipping, go for both PC and Xbox. I have both, sometimes I just want to get off the computer for a while and use the Xbox. Plus I have a big preference for physical copies.

But it sounds like you already have each. Doubt you'd regret getting rid of the playstation.


t1_j0mety8 wrote

If that's true then I guess we don't have anything more to deliberate. There are trolls on the sub that bring nothing more to the table than just to buy a PC without more. I'll say your comment was more detailed and helpful than the usual. But the sentiment in my other comments remains.

As for the downvotes, I wasn't offended by your comments. I downvoted because I assumed you downvoted my comments. I would not have done it otherwise. I'll reverse that. Later.


t1_j0mcycj wrote

Ah yes, going to a subreddit dedicated exclusively to consoles and thinking the people in it have never even considered a PC before. Not thinking that there may be some sort of valid reason that someone could want a console over a gaming computer.

This is a place of public discussion, we are discussing things. I am not saying you are being rude, I am saying the suggestions you make aren't helpful. About as welcome as a Jehovah's witness.


t1_j0icngn wrote

Doesn't make any difference to me. A comment on reddit isn't going to be the straw that makes a person switch from Console to PC. I just see these types of comments on every single "help me decide on what console to get" thread. It isn't helpful.

I get it, PC is getting cheaper to get into and is getting more accessible while being powerful. But some people value different things in consoles than other people. Instead of acknowledging this, "get a PC" people choose to disregard it.

Edit: I'm an Xbox and PC player that tends to use my PC to game more.


t1_j0ib4re wrote

Why recommend something that the dude hasn't even asked about? If they aren't asking about it why not just assume that they took the time to consider it and just stick to answering the question they asked?

It's like someone asking if they should have hotdogs or burgers for dinner and you reply with "sushi." The dude knows what he wants and narrows it down to two options. Just help him make that choice. Certainly doubt it would actually make him buy a PC.


t1_j02wmf3 wrote

Sounds like you're leaning heavily towards the Xbox anyway. Just go with that.

Go for the Xbox Series X if you are able. No matter what.

Go for the S if you do not use Disks, if you're impatient, and want a console now.

It will take around another 4 years for this gen to become outdated. So no worry there. Also, your performance specifications are met on the Xbox, either one you choose. In the event that your console does break (even though it is highly unlikely to do so on its own when using it as intended), send it into a repair place. Get the warranty if you can.


t1_j009jum wrote

I for one, do not care if your question is dumb. Questions about which console to get is the most common this subreddit gets. The problem with the post, however, is the same as the others that pose this question. What do you want from a game console? do you like exclusives? Which ones do you like? Things like that. No one can give you a good recommendation that is right for you without knowing more information.


t1_iym3ugx wrote

Well alright, my point still stands. Xbox has a lot of potential right now. But you won't get anything much at the moment from it. It's gonna be a waiting game, if you're into the games that are coming for it.

You'll get the exclusives now from Sony, which I assume are good. Or you can wait for console exclusives from Xbox, that I also assume will be good.


t1_iym35vb wrote

My understanding is that their market price is the same.

I can say that the Xbox is very user friendly, and it does have good performance.

I'd recommend going through the gamepass selection and see if anything catches your eye that you would want to try for """free""". Also look at the games Xbox plans on getting. Xbox does not have many exclusives, and it won't because they are doing so much with PC. But it is taking a lot of potential from Sony. Also try and follow the microsoft-activision deal. Could take COD from Sony entirely eventually.