
RyzinEnagy t1_je69piy wrote

The fact that some streets go a very long time between milling and resurfacing is the sad part. Idk if it's a lack of coordination between miller and resurfacer or what...

Edit: Looking at that schedule (small sample size, I know), it contracts out some of the milling but does all of the paving in-house, so there's more milling than paving. That looks like an issue.


RyzinEnagy t1_jcpxznk wrote

True on a macro level.

NYC had a specific set of circumstances. The nickel fare was kept way too long, and the city's money went to Moses' highways instead of system maintenance. The city went broke in the 70s and was forced to cede control of the subways to the state. Today we're playing catch-up for maintenance that should have been done 50-100 years ago, and the subway is still under state control.


RyzinEnagy t1_jbrso43 wrote

> At least allow them to keep it, and new retirees will have to deal with Medicare advantage. Unfair to change the rules after the fact.

But this attitude is what led to Tier 6 in the first place. The system is broken but continuing to fuck over the younger crowd is worse than spreading the misery.


RyzinEnagy t1_j7dxvje wrote

Reply to comment by xeothought in Late for the train. by brooklynlad

They're called by their colors by people who live in Manhattan and never leave Manhattan. The color system was designed to group the lines that are together in Manhattan.


RyzinEnagy t1_j7dqsws wrote

Had Brooklyn voted no the whole consolidation plan would have fallen apart. Joining Manhattan and Brooklyn was the whole point, because they wanted to guarantee remaining the largest city in America, and why the Brooklyn Bridge was built. They probably try again or find some way to join anyway, but yeah.


RyzinEnagy t1_j5t6app wrote

Lol, it's not an "excuse", it has been a documented pattern for decades (along with it's counterpart El Niño). That same storm that buried Buffalo gave us rain. It's a similar pattern right now. We may be in the same state but we're in very different climate zones.

Everyone here agrees with climate change, even the ones you're trying and failing to make fun of. Pick up a book next time.