
SamHandwich124 t1_j6qde60 wrote

Yeah I know I’m going to get downvoted, but I’m just being honest. It’s a little bit sketchy everywhere. The city has some beautiful architecture though. There’s plenty of awesome art deco buildings. There’s even good food. The whole place just has a backdrop of crime, poverty, and desperation that is kind of hard to reconcile with while you’re there.


SamHandwich124 t1_j6j6med wrote

The truth of this is heartbreaking in the private sector and public sector. Hey let’s give a tax subsidy for this warehouse to creat jobs! Wait….those jobs don’t pay a living wage. Okay we’ll just provide welfare. So now we have a corporation paying no taxes and all of their employees draining the coffers at the same time. That’s totally gonna boost the economy and definitely won’t raise taxes on the average citizen!