Sarcastic_Troll t1_j53sus2 wrote
Reply to Whats the worst city in nj? by No_Neighborhood_3191
Sarcastic_Troll t1_j2fqfwf wrote
Reply to comment by Finlandia1865 in If Paris is the "city of love", what is the city of hate? by Jumpy-Ad6630
Sure, stick them in there too
Sarcastic_Troll t1_j2fnxkn wrote
Islamabad? I mean.... They hate women, hate anything that isn't Taliban Islam, hate America, the west, capitalism, etc etc etc
Sarcastic_Troll t1_iyfayh4 wrote
I'm supposed to be working on a paper.
Just another minute or two here and I'll get right on it
Sarcastic_Troll t1_iyf9oss wrote
Reply to You win $1B but in exchange you can never use social media again, are you interested what would you do? by a1bells
I'll take the billion. Bye lol
Sarcastic_Troll t1_iyf7w2b wrote
Reply to Hunters of Reddit: What was the first thing you killed, how old were you, and how do you remember feeling? by BigBadZord
I don't remember how old I was, but I shot somethin. My dad was happy so I guess I was happy too.
We weren't really hunters, but my dad wanted us to make sure we could shoot, and shoot moving targets. He was the type you see in movies about southern hicks, the greet you with a Barrell of his gun if you come on his property type.
Sarcastic_Troll t1_iyej4xf wrote
Reply to Why does he still have tinder? by [deleted]
Was there ever talk about exclusivity?
If yes, well then he cheated/is cheating
If no, this is more ambiguous
Either way, all evidence points that he's seeing other girls
Careful that he doesn't back it back to you. "Well, why are you on Tinder to even know," kinda deal. I'd definitely say your argument ties back to the condoms, and keep bringing it back to that point
Sarcastic_Troll t1_jegw17g wrote
Reply to My friends do jot tip when we go out. (M25) (M25) (M25) by hiphopbulldozer
As a server, I'd stop going out with those ppl. I don't think ppl who refuse to leave a tip are good ppl at all. They are screwing over the same broke college student, or worse, every time.
But they know that and don't care. So they aren't good ppl. They literally aren't paying for part of their bill. That's criminal.