
SaxyOmega90125 t1_jdxnhzc wrote

Caffeine doesn't do a goddamn thing to me - first time I ever had espresso I fell asleep in my chair ten minutes later. And it isn't because I drink caffeine often, all I have is a cup of either black or herbal tea five or six nights a week (been known to go herbal for a week at a time) and I don't even like coffee.

Someone I know is a hardcore addict. Like, her need for caffeine has a significant negative impact on her day-to-day life, finances, and physical and mental health, that kind of addict.

And then there's you, who has one single cup of black tea and goes full tweaker.

Caffeine is bizarre stuff.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_ja9wly5 wrote

>this kid is now in possesion of a sd card(a one with just the mother board) containing.... well, Rule 34.

>the kid is now in possession of my motherboard to a sd card containing rule 34

I'm fairly certain neither of these sentences makes sense.

Anyway, this kid is an asshat and there's a good chance everyone knows it. The principal certainly should know it.

As far as the school is concerned right now, this is bullying plain and simple. If everything you said about the problem conversation is true to the letter, you just have to explain two things to the principal. First, you were absent-mindedly answering 'yes' to every question because you wanted to be left alone but didn't have the heart to say so. Second, you were not aware of the fact that you were being recorded. Tomorrow, take a deep breath, do that, and take it from there.

Beyond that, start documenting everything now. Dates of the events, screenshots or other copies of any social media posts - anything this kid does at all with this information, you get the best record of it you can. Recording a conversation without your knowledge or consent is morally questionable at best and literally a minor criminal offense at worst depending on where you live. (Doing it on school property, at a bus stop, or at a school-organized function is almost certainly against school policy, and showing off porn and also claiming it to be yours definitelt are.) Assuming you did not, in fact, give this student that SD card, then if that claim is false it falls under slander/libel, and if it is true then the means by which this student obtained this information must have been simple theft, breaking-and-entering and burglary, or distribution and use of illegal software. It may also be defamation regardless. This probably won't go far, but don't mess around with stuff like this, do what you can to be ready now.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_j6kduk3 wrote

OP, for the sake of your family if not for yourself, please schedule an appointment with a practicing psychologist. If you don't get help, you will do something like this again, and chances are that next time you'll lose a lot more than just your job and your family's financial security.

In fact, you have absolutely no reason to believe your former employer hasn't already reported you to the police. They're under no obligation to honor your agreement, nor are the clients who might be accusing them of fraud right now required to respect it. If you are charged, having documentation that you recognized you have a mental health problem on some level and planned to start therapy of your own volition will almost certainly improve your odds of receiving a light sentence.

Your post makes it sound like you're a compulsive thief. People like that don't go out in the morning planning on stealing - many don't even want to steal anything and will feel horribly guilty about doing it - but when they see something of value that they are able to steal, they absolutely cannot resist the urge to do so.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_j39o8dp wrote

I agree with the other commenter about asking for therapy to help you learn anger management. That could have cost thousands of dollars if you'd kicked a pipe and broken it, or hit a stud and broken your foot, not to mention the stress.

I would also suggest you ask her to help you learn to manage your income and savings, retain savings to plan for unforeseen expenses (like wear and damage to your home), and plan out purchases patiently so that you don't wind up with a brand new thing you can't test for functionality - if you get CO2 in two months only to find out your gun has an issue, the first thing the manufacturer will ask is 'why did it take you two months to find this defect?'

Btw repairing a wall does not cost hundreds of dollars. Look up what you need (varies depending on the wall type), watch a video or two, and fix it yourself. Wall repair and painting are great skills to have - professionals frankly do a shitty job anyway IME. Tip: most people struggle with joint compound because they overwork it when it's wet. Get it on there, work it a little bit, and trust the sandpaper to do its job.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_j2wwm9b wrote

I saw the article about green paint in the buffer space. Visibility is great, but are these lanes actually protected, or just divided? By that I mean do they have bollards or some other obstacle physically preventing cars from entering the bike lane?

^(Also, yeesh, Baltimore DOT has its own Reddit account? You guys have more social media presence in one finger than half of Maryland's state-level agencies have in the whole agency. I'm kinda jealous.)


SaxyOmega90125 t1_iztorxd wrote

>It only took humans a couple million years to go from upright apes to escaping our planter's gravity well.

Curiously, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was: "Oh no, not again." Many have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias thought that, we should know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_iyfceud wrote

I already did assume the best of the OP: I assumed that they simply do not grasp how unproductive and, frankly, stupid their choices are, rather than that they are making them out of pure carelessness or outright malice. They made it clear that they would prefer to simply blow off therapy and instead self-medicate using unprescribed drugs, underage, which will stunt their neurological and psychological development and simultaneously present a significantly higher risk of psychological addiction. It's a stupid decision and I am not ashamed to treat it as such.

As to the other circumstances, we are simply not going to agree, unless the OP provides more information. That's fine.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_iyf7owv wrote

Is Adobe Cloud actually a backup? Because any cloud storage that live updates is not a backup, not when used that way.

Lesson learned here: back up everything yourself. If you want to be as fireproof (literally) as possible, have two separate backup drives and ensure that all three copies are never all in the same building at the same time.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_iydpzna wrote

Well, the reason they gave is as follows, quoted directly from the OP:

>It is very invasive and takes up most of my time only giving me 3 hours of Freetime a day.

If they gave some reason they were uncomfortable with this therapy then you'd be absolutely right, and I'd never accuse someone of whining about that. That is not what this is.

I also would never criticize an adult using marijuana under legitimate medical advice, or even an adult using it recreationally. Again, that's not what this is.

You make a perfectly valid point, and there are plenty of cases where deliberately belittling someone's perspective on the situation would be counterproductive. I simply don't agree that this reads like one.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_ixmsacq wrote

All these comments talking about overly optimistic use of lasers and what various sci-fi authors have made up and essentially just blathering away, and then there's this one comment two sentences long with the actual technology that already does this job on actual spacecraft.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_ixisn0u wrote

Oh, you threw her in feet? Okay, I was thinking you walked up to the bed and tossed her down, not that you chucked her clean across the room.

I'm still a bit surprised that broke ribs though - I mean, even a full-force punch specifically intended to cause injury isn't usually going to do that, typically takes a clean and strong kick at least - so I'm still wondering about a calcium or vitamin K deficiency. Consider getting vitamin tabs of those.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_ixirfqa wrote

You'd be surprised how much shock force you can put down with both arms locked, both hands focused into as small an area as possible, your full body thrusting on top, adrenaline flowing, and a person under you who is already injured or has chronic health issues.

If you break a rib though, generally speaking either they already had broken ribs or you weren't doing the correct compression technique for CPR. (Edit: or chronic health issue thing ofc)

Source: I am a CPR-certified first responder


SaxyOmega90125 t1_ixir2rr wrote

You caught a slight typo - I meant 1500lbs shock force to break a rib. Obviously the size of the object is an issue but iirc that assumption uses something about the size/radius of a car's headlight corner area which is similar to a human hand.

Also your math is assuming sustained force, not shock force. By your numbers she would break ribs leaning over a chair.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_ixiae9x wrote

Something's not right with that. It takes roughly 1500lbs shock force to break a healthy person's ribs, and I seriously doubt you could apply that much force throwing her if you specifically tried. Does she have a calcium deficiency, vitamin K deficiency, or a bone disorder?

Edit: wow, love that people are downvoting this. I guess that's what I get for suggesting some possible health factors that could explain this injury that probably should not have happened, instead of making a low-hanging fruit joke or a meaningless comment amounting to 'ooh, ah' like most of the comments that got upvoted. You go, Reddit.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_iujsd01 wrote

That's not going to happen as long as Native Americans are caged in tiny reserves.

A solution that might be preferable to this would be to allow Natives to gather bird of prey feathers and remains on land currently claimed by the US proper. That being said, these eagles are already shedding feathers while in these rehabilitation and reintroduction programs. Would it be better to waste those feathers than to give them freely to Native American groups that will use them?


SaxyOmega90125 t1_itckgj5 wrote

Not sure what specific genre you're looking at within this category. If an almost arcade-like Escape Velocity style appeals to you, I can definitely recommend Endless Sky. (Not to be confused with No Man's Sky.) Easily one of the best-written game stories I've ever seen, and the gameplay is fun without being very difficult to learn. And it's free.