
ScarletCaptain t1_jeex7a2 wrote

Building codes vary by where you live, but structure-wise, I'd at least want to pull the deck boards where the posts will be, notch the base of the post so half of it sits on the joist and lag bolt it to the side, then add additional bracing around the post between the joist it's bolted to and the next one over, maybe even on both sides. Make VERY sure your structure is secure.

This guy has a lot of good info, he's Canadian so codes are different, but he explains the why and how very well.


ScarletCaptain t1_j2fkzl1 wrote

Well, they didn’t intend to do that with the Jack Ryan movies. They wanted Alec Baldwin to have a whole series like Bond, but they didn’t want to wait for him to finish a Broadway run so they got Harrison Ford instead. Obviously later movies were reboots.


ScarletCaptain t1_iwjjj2p wrote

Not prom, but I had a good female friend I had a very strong thing for who was going through some tough times and we casually discussed the “dating scene.” She ended up basically admitting her interest in me and in shock I walked away.

This was very nearly an r/tifu but some very quick emails and IM’s (pre Facebook days) and I explained how I felt.

16 years later she’s lying sick upstairs from something the kids brought home from school.

r/lifeprotip: if your kid(s) tells you several friends have been missing lately, prepare to take some days off…