
Send_Your_Noods_plz t1_j52x954 wrote

Yeah, 50 extra on your paycheck means you can go out 1 night. Most people are not taking that money and investing for essentially pennies over the course of a year. If you make enough that it's not just pennies of interest this makes sense but for a lot of people out there were talking a hundred or two at best


Send_Your_Noods_plz t1_j52wu6y wrote

This is financially the best decision because you can invest the money each check... if you actually do that. If you are the type of person who looks at their bank before deciding they can go out that week to dinner, or get fast food on a whim and never seem to really be saving money, it is kind of a forced savings account that you can't touch. It's not just a 0% loan you gave to the government, if you save the money you would have spent otherwise that's your interest. Me personally 50$ a paycheck missing isn't hurting, it forces me to tighten my belt. What I do enjoy is getting 2300 lump sum. I'd of spent it on other things throughout the year, but now I can buy bigger things like a vacation.


Send_Your_Noods_plz t1_ix6mta9 wrote

In case you didn't know, it stands for: too long ; didn't read. It's a way to summarize a large wall of text to a few sentences so someone scrolling posts on reddit can get a gist of the story before committing to reading it. It's a super effective tool that not only the reader appreciates, but can make your post get more attention if it sparks interest


Send_Your_Noods_plz t1_iw5hmji wrote

You couldn't have handled it better. There's no winning with those people. If you send the money they'll just try and extort you again.

Chances are they won't send them, but even if they do you're the victim here, if your family or friends get your nudes just say you were blackmailed or scammed and it wasn't worth the money to try and stop them. If they still badger you... well they're the ones who decided to keep looking or bring it up