
SergioSurge t1_j9nbvoz wrote

Attempting another transformation leads to a fail. She falls to her knees, exhausted from exhorting so much energy. Her dad watches from the distance rambling about how he never got breaks in the war and that he would be dead if he fell like that. She sort of just ignores him as she grabs her wand and attempts again. Holding her wand to the sky, she screams out.

Ari: "Transformation: Frost dance!"

Ice begins to swirl around her as she twirls, but before it gets too high, she gets dizzy and falls over. Now your dad is talking about your mom's balance and style or something. You've tuned him out by now, but what can't be tuned out is a giant ground shaking monster making their way to your cabin. You back away scared, but before anything can happen, your sister comes out and sends the monster up to space easily.

Fumi: "Still practicing, sis?"

Ari: "Yeah, but I just can't hold my balance long enough to get mom's frost dance to work...."

Fumi: "Don't get so hung up on it. You may have her wand, but you can have your own style. Like me and my gravitational dance."

Ari looks at the wand.

Ari: "My own style, huh?"

Ari grips it tight, she starts dancing elegantly, and for just a second, Ari's hair turns to water. She notices and gets so excited that she messes up and it stops.


Fumi: "I did. I'm glad you're finding your own style. What're you gonna call it?"

Ari: "Mother's remembrance."

Fumi: "I think she'd like that."

The dad is asleep at this point.....


SergioSurge t1_j9mynm9 wrote

The woman laughs and then points to the dragon.

Asu: "I'm the most fiercest! Your rain of ter-"

The dragon immediately blows out flames. Once he stopped and the smoked cleared, Asu was nowhere to be found. The dragon spreads its wings, preparing to take flight, and as it does, it feels something tug on its leg!


The dragon tries kicking her off, but she begins to climb up unto its back.


Asu leaps to the dragon's face and punches its eye. He spirals outta control, crashing into the ground in a forest not too far from the village.

Asu: "Ya ain't burning anything ya little lizard!"

The dragon stands up and builds fire in his mouth before spitting out a fireball. Asu pulls out a rapier and stabs the ball of fire, dispersing it. The dragon looks shocked.

Dragon: "Who are you?"

Asu: "To the people a Hero, to you? Your end!"

She makes a quick dash and starts poking at various parts of the dragon while dodging all of his swings. The dragon jumps into the sky and blows flames beneath him. Once again, there was nothing but scorched earth, but looking closer, Asu had a magical barrier around her.

Asu: "I'm getting bored of playing with you, dragon!"

Asu jumps off of some of the trees and stabs the dragon in his neck. He comes crashing down again, and when he tries to stand, he wobbles and falls, noticing all the stab wounds Asu had dealt to his legs. Asu walks in front of the dragon a set distance away.

Asu: "Ready to call it quits and die?"

The dragon looking angry opens its mouth to spit more flames, but nothing but gas comes out.

Asu: "Don't bother, that flame bag of yours is as good as ruined. I'm the fiercest fighter from the village, but I have the help from the wisest people about your anatomy. I might know more about how your body works than you."

Dragon: "You can kill me, warrior, but know that my curse will wipe out your village!"

Asu: "Doubt it."

Asu jumps up and pierces down into the dragon's skull. She pulls it out and returns to the village where she is greeted by all of the villagers.

Scholar: "You've returned!"

Asu: "Don't sound so surprised."

Scholar: "So, did you best that beast?"

Asu: "For a Scholar, you ask stupid questions."

Asu holds up a piece of the Dragon's tooth.

Scholar: "Fasnating! Did he speak of the curse?"

Asu: "Yeah....nothing we can't solve, though."

Scholar: "Everyone prepare your shovels. We must dispose of the body!"

After everyone had prepared to head into the woods. Asu finally arrived home and heads inside.

Asu: (That dragon's curse.....)

Asu's head begins to ring as she hears a familiar voice in her mind.

Dragon: (The curse has taken effect. We will wipe this village out together.)

Asu's right eye resembles the dragon as she falls to the floor.


SergioSurge t1_j9dxruv wrote

'I don't know if you're getting these, but we're trying our best to get you out!' The young man crumples up the note and tosses it onto a pile of notes.

Ya'mir: "Your best, huh? What a joke...."

He sits down, laying his head in his arms. Until a soft disembodied voice speaks.

????: "Lost?"

Ya'mir looks around frantically.

Ya'mir: "Wha- Who's there?!"

????: "Just a concerned friend. I noticed your presence in my realm and thought I'd come see your dilemma."

Ya'mir clenches his fist, tears forming in his eyes.

Ya'mir: "It started when I signed up for this stupid internship. I had to collect data for anomalies forming around my town, Faela, but as I collected data. The scientist wanted more for their studies. So they asked me to go inside the rift in the ground....I would've said no, but the rift became bigger and I lost my footing. They thought it would lead to a world like no other.....guess they were right."

????: "The place you come from. What's it like?"

Ya'mir: "Huh? Why do you care?"

????: "Merely conversation. I could leave if you li-"

Ya'mir: "NO! N-No, please don't's been so long since I've heard someone else.... My place is very magical. We can get wherever we need in the blink of an eye, conjure up fire with the wave of our finger. Stopping to think about it, I don't know where we'd be without powers like those."

????: "Do you think you can show me some of that power?"

Ya'mir: "I would, but i haven't eaten in what feels like forever. I can't use it on an emp-"

Suddenly, a fully cooked pot roast appeared in front of him.

????: "Will this suffice your appetite?"

Ya'mir looks on amazed. He drops down and begins scarfing it down. Once he's done, he stands up and shakes his body.

Ya'mir: "That's all I needed. How'd you do that anyway?"

????: "My realm, my rules."

Ya'mir: "I see, that's amazing. What else can you do?"

Wind begins to pick up swirling around Ya'mir. He covers his face as the wind becomes extremely intense. Once it stops, Ya'mir opens his eyes to see a world full of life. There were vibrant green hills with flowers along them. A waterfall could be heard in the distance, and the skies were clear blue with a bright sun shining on Ya'mir.

Ya'mir: "T-This is amazing! All of did all of this?!"

????: "That's right, hehe~ My realm, my rules remember. Now, about your power?"

Ya'mir: "Oh right, sorry!"

Ya'mir closes his eyes and kneels down, sparks begin to fly from his feet as he dashes, and in an instant, he's at the water fall.

Ya'mir: "Controlling it tends to be hard unless I'm focused solely on distributing it."

????: "That was amazing!"

Ya'mir: "Heh, thanks. By the way, I never got your name."

????: "Oh my name?"

A young girl comes from the waterfall and holds out her hand.

Gaia: "You can call me Gaia."

Ya'mir shakes her hand, smiling.

Ya'mir: "Right, it's nice to meet you."