
SethikTollin7 t1_jd4y4t1 wrote

You're a human animal, your body is participating from your slight future and making decisions you're unaware of from a second+ in your past. It's a dance of information where the only portion that matters is the consciousness that you believe yourself to be... kind of like being your own parent. Self talk has been recommended "I'm not concerned by - - -" "I'm aware of - - -, so - - -" etc


SethikTollin7 t1_j8y8me4 wrote

--Is it true all words are made up sounds with agreed upon meanings?


--Am I different from you because I'm a seperate brain in a different meat suit


--Is consciousness itself what we all are?

-Why did anyone have to explain this to all of us, yeah we're all subject to witness what happens in this universe followed by every single other perspective of it. Maybe we need to all start living right.

--So evil acts from one affecting many is the worst thing?



SethikTollin7 t1_j3dqfjy wrote

So, animals given 10% of an area have a place to exist again??!? 1?!

Can we all just go back to trolling What is this, why am I only seeing letters, I can't log out!eleven!