
Sheila_Monarch t1_j6n9s3x wrote

LPT Addendum: You don’t even necessarily have to write it down. If you’re, say, driving, showering, or tucked in bed just about to fall asleep (the 3 big ones for me when these thoughts occur to me)….say “Siri make a note that Jennifer said she likes orchids instead of roses” or “Siri remind me at 3pm tomorrow to call Steve” or “Siri add coffee to my grocery list”. The latter requires you have a Reminder list named “Grocery”, but the others will happen automatically.

I believe Androids have the same function, I just don’t know the magic words for Android.


Sheila_Monarch t1_j2dx40c wrote

Correct. Jealousy isn’t sweet, it isn’t well-intentioned, and it definitely isn’t love. Neither is a complete lack of personal time or lack of privacy in movement, communication, or thought (aka browser history). But for some reason young people, more often than not, in their first relationships will equate those things with “ohhhh s/he loves me so much, we have such a close/special relationship”