
SigherPunk t1_j5s4025 wrote

Man you could be beaten up for saying that in India. Like saying pizza was introduced to Italy by Americans.

Mangoes are to India what potatoes are to Peru. So I guess you mean guavas probably?


SigherPunk t1_j5s36yo wrote

And it isn't very well known within India in the sense that it hasn't spread out to other parts of India outside Goa. I think western people might more readily recognise the dish than Indians lol


SigherPunk t1_j0svxnt wrote

Not surprised to see a blatantly racist comment like this so upvoted. Why would India and China not care? You think only white people have the capacity to care about the environment?

India and China aren't using coal for laughs and gags, they are using it because not using it would mean plunging 100s of millions of people into darkness. Of course, I don't think you really give a shit about the people in India/China.

If the West really cared then they should provide the capital and technology so that the developing countries can switch faster.


SigherPunk t1_iwctp2a wrote

Lol what

India's railway modernisation efforts are possibly dwarfed only by China's (which is in an entirely different league of its own). India runs about 20,000 trains daily and a majority of them are electric. Indian coach car factories are pumping out about 15 new modern coaches every day to replace older coaches. There is also a new generation of semi-HSR trainset that has been developed in India and the factories are expected to produce 1 trainset per week in the coming year. There is also a tender put out for private players to produce 200 of these new trainsets in the next few years.

India has also undertaken a massive project of laying down new modern railway routes entirely dedicated to freight, which would free up existing lines for passanger services. There are also about 22 new metro rail lines under construction in cities across India. There is also a proper Shinkansen project puttering along (the progress is painfully slow imo). The scale of these things is gargantuan, so what did you base your moronic comment on?