
Significant_Anteater t1_j6m0etd wrote

It really isn’t. You could start with a phone call to the police. I mean, people are throwing solutions at you in this thread, you know the players better than us and how they would react to each. Making a police statement really isn’t much work. The overriding issue is what the impact will be on family dynamics and whether there will be any retaliation. But also, don’t let people walk all over you either. Present reasonable solutions to your parents, and then the worst case solution. But make sure people know they can’t walk all over you, especially in your own home! Silent treatment isn’t working, trying an alternative. Best of luck!


Significant_Anteater t1_j6lxjoj wrote

This is theft - the appropriation of the property of another with the intention to permanently deprive. Present a united front to your parents that you both intend to go to the police station and press for criminal charges to be filed, that you are the victims of a crime, and the witnesses of the crime, and your testimony will likely corroborate. Then if the money isn’t returned and him punished within 24 hours, go to the police file a police report. The little shit will learn the lesson your negligent, coddling parents aren’t teaching him.