
SilenceDooDooGood t1_ix4wjea wrote

I do feel like it is a problem, so I'll move on to the next question...

>If you do feel crime is a major problem in NY, what do you think the solution is? Or what can ordinary NYers do?

The solution is to fix bail reform, and lock up repeat offenders, while also implementing long term social solutions to these problems such as better educations, afterschool and sports programs, etc. so we can stop criminalizing the youth in low income communities.

In terms of bail reform, we need to allow judges to hold people pre-trial if they determine they are a danger, which is nothing something the law currently allows for. we also need to reform discovery laws which are crushing the DA's offices with an undue amount of work producing documents that sometimes have no impact on a proceeding. We need to bring back involuntary institutionalization, but in a compassionate way, no lobotomies or shock therapy. Violent mentally ill people need to be kept on their meds and kept away from the general population. We should make it a crime to sleep on a train or sidewalk; the only penalty being you are held in a shelter overnight. But we need to stop letting the homeless refuse services, they need the help and they'll never get there if we don't make them. These are a few suggestions that would help greatly.

What can people do? Be vocal. Many on this sub could stop denying the problems. That's a start. I'm not advising anyone to go out and become batman, but if you feel comfortable intervening if someone is in danger, do so (at your own risk). Those of us who can have to keep a watchful eye. Sometimes just being alert and making eye-contact with someone who a menacing say a train can prevent them from flying completely off the handle. Ultimately tho, for the public's part, its going to take advocacy, not action in the moment.