
SillyKing9012 t1_j9nlmcm wrote

OP I am sorry to hear that you have to go through this, by the sounds of things, on a regular basis. You sound like you aren't old enough to have a dollar to your name or have the capacity to fathom a life outside of your parents care. Your dad has seen more years on this planet than you have, for now you have to make sure you take care of yourself first. As he could physically harm you more.

Please know that the world is not like this at all. It can be a beautiful thing, much more than what you dad is. There is a dark side to this world as well, and I am sorry that you have to experience that horrible side for the duration of what sounds like your childhood. I am proud of you standing up for yourself and wanting to protect your mum, not many people have the courage to. But with the nature that your dad is, and your physical size in comparison, there is a time to fight, and there is a time to submit. Please keep that in mind, or else you may escalate a situation into something worse than it could've been. Although for this one, I think you handled it well. Trying to defuse the situation without needing to resort to violence. Luckily, your mum was there before your dad could make it worse.

And when you are able to afford to separate yourself from your dad, life can be so much better. There are caring people out there. I wish you the best. Good luck.


SillyKing9012 t1_j3y03rz wrote

Hot take, it shows through the desperation that you appear to be clingy. Friends are friends, they are not like your lovers or something. It is good that you are open to clear communication about your feelings and everything, but you should save it for people who will care. Realise that some friends you keep a distance with, and other friends you are really close with. It's something you have to come to terms as you get to know them, sometimes that's just the way things are. Maybe you don't vibe the same or don't have much in common, that's okay. Like someone else said, don't force it.