
SirCalebCrawdad t1_j3gpzbo wrote

OP, don't go to Wellesley. It's filled with a ton of nosy assholes that constantly want to keep up with the Jones's. Many of the women around the town don't work which gives them even more time to be super nosy. There is absolutely NOTHING to do there and the general vibe is affluent phoniness, all jealous of their neighbors to the north with real, true, and OLD (white) money in Weston.

Wellesley absolutely sucks. Trust me. Lived there for 5 years and couldn't handle people peeking into my world so often.


SirCalebCrawdad t1_iyrbb4l wrote

are you a slow adult?

it's not a matter of making schools a prison. it's a matter of simple security measures at the front fucking door. did you miss that? it didn't take that woman doing this stunt to make every one aware of the fact that the hired help is usually lazy and ill-informed about what their jobs actually are.

when was the last time you saw a capable human being with ample training and qualifications acting as school security? and im not talking cops because cops are just as bad if not worse for something like this. most cops that get assigned to do this type of job are essentially tree stumps (per usual). i'm just talking about the football coach/3rd period health teacher/school security "officer".