
t1_jae7ol5 wrote

I'm going to go verbatim with the previous poster. The only reason I am even replying is that that as more and more people see this, and in case his post gets pushed down, there will now be 2 of the same posts that call out your bullshit scam.

Heres his reply, consider it mine as well (but stolen from him)

Certainly see a lot of throwaway accounts here looking to scam people out of money and time. I'm sorry. I don't buy your story at all because you've spent the entire time pulling on heart strings and almost zero about what you have actually done. Did you call 211? Did you call family? Did you knock on the door of a shelter? Did you get a gym membership (showers). What did you do? Nothing. Because this story is fake and this is a scam.


t1_j9vndm3 wrote

Reply to comment by in The little things in CT by

You (conveniently) stopped short of the part (b) exception of subsection (4). The part where it states.

except …. (4) on a highway divided into three or more marked lanes for traffic.

I'll put the whole thing here. you know, for the, um, other people that might not find it on their own.

CT Gen Stat § 14-230 (2012)

(a) Upon all highways, each vehicle, other than a vehicle described in subsection (c) of this section, shall be driven upon the right, except (1) when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, (2) when overtaking and passing pedestrians, parked vehicles, animals or obstructions on the right side of the highway, (3) when the right side of a highway is closed to traffic while under construction or repair, (4) on a highway divided into three or more marked lanes for traffic, or (5) on a highway designated and signposted for one-way tr


AND, I'll toss in subsection (C) (which is the only ones not listed above) in case someone believes that its them.

(c) Any vehicle which exceeds the maximum width limitations specified in subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of section 14-262 and operates on an interstate highway with a special permit issued by the Commissioner of Transportation under the provisions of section 14-270, shall be driven in the extreme right lane of such highway, except (1) when such special permit authorizes operation in a traffic lane other than the extreme right lane, (2) when overtaking and passing parked vehicles, animals or obstructions on the right side of such highway, (3) when the right side of such highway is closed to traffic while under construction or repair, or (4) at such locations where access to or egress from such highway is provided on the left.


t1_j9vjave wrote

Reply to comment by in The little things in CT by

But its not the law. The law states the opposite.

CGS 14-230(a)(4)

(a) Upon all highways, each vehicle, other than a vehicle described in subsection (c) of this section, shall be driven upon the right, except …. (4) on a highway divided into three or more marked lanes for traffic

If it’s three or more lanes, then that falls under exception.

Three lanes or more, they are all travel lanes.


t1_j70mllv wrote

Unless you or your sister signed something agreeing to pay, her bills are not on you. They can tell you that they are, and if you say you will pay them you are on the hook, but if your assets were your own (i.e. your moms name not on them) then you had every right to tell the insurance company to go fuck themselves; in plain English.


t1_ixuk1uo wrote


t1_itoa0gn wrote

The wheel design does not stand out as IROC exclusive as regular Z28's came with those rims as optional as well.

So your husband paid thousands of dollars more for the IROC, which lets be honest was only purchased by most simply to say they had the IROC, and then immediately removed the logos on a brand new car? Seems reasonable to me for whatever reason he bought it; show or not.

Agree on the lack of two-tone rocker panels, but as another user later pointed out was that the lightwells are black on the IROC, and these are clearly red. Maybe while he was removing the door logos off the new paint, he decided to reshoot the front valence? Also seems reasonable to me.

As for the angle of the sun reflection? Meh. There would be less of a reflection off the louvres so it would probably stand out a bit more. Maybe the sun was just right with the angle of reflection.

I'm not saying all that didn't happen, but nothing aside from the lack of two-tone paint points this to an 86 IROC. Don't get me wrong its a fun car to drive and I personally had several over the years, but this just seemed off.

EDIT: I stand corrected. Just pulled up the specs and there were rare models that came off the line with color matched lightwells. Not that it matters in this case because you have already unequivocally stated that "They are actually black", but yes, they could have been color matched to red.