
SloeMoe t1_j50bvdg wrote

Sounds kind of like forking in software development. So let's say it's a sexually reproducing species. At gametogenesis, the chromosomes are doubled, how does that sperm with double chromosomes sync up with non-doubled eggs from any other individual in the population? Beyond that, how would any offspring find a suitable mate, seeing as they have dissimilar chromosome counts now?


SloeMoe t1_j262ffs wrote

Snow is NOT an "excellent" insulator. It's a mediocre-at-best insulator. It has an average r value of 1. That's about the same as wood, which acts as a thermal bridge when it's next to an actual "excellent" insulator like fiberglass or even chopped up paper or leaves. The fact that snow insulates at all is wonderful and significant, but it's not particularly good at insulating.