
SlytherinTargaryen t1_j9mazph wrote

Reply to food by [deleted]

If you have access to the local Dollar stores, they have shelves STOCKED with food.

$1 can get you over a pound of rice; pasta, sauces, etc.


SlytherinTargaryen t1_j2rlmj6 wrote

It's just time to get out of the city, you know? Finally have that dream that I'll be able to automatically set up a little farm on a few acres of land (because being a farmer is super easy and totally affordable, especially for newbies) where I can work from remotely from home and ignore advice that all-weathers will be fine in the winter. That's what Vermont is and what Vermonters do, you know?
Fast forward: "WHY is there no high-speed internet and WHY are heating costs so high and WHY can't I get my drive plowed as SOON as it snows and OHMIGOD these roads have black ice! And-"


SlytherinTargaryen t1_j2nhjde wrote

Complete morons with no critical thinking skills WHATsoever. It was “safe” up here because we were masking, distancing, and generally followed the rules. Soooo they came up here and thought, wow, I feel really safe, better take off my mask and get pissed that I’m being made to follow the rules, too? The ones that are keeping people safe? What do you MEAN the people who took this seriously aren‘t letting ME break the rules?

I think that was our breaking point with tourists. We finally started telling them “no”, you AREN’T above us, and BOY did they get piiiissed… That hospitality effed all the way off when they showed they didn’t really give a crap about us as people.


SlytherinTargaryen t1_j2n50t1 wrote

Like when they came here IN A PANDEMIC to rip their masks off and “breathe a little”! I loathed those people. Treated our home like a f*cking day spa they were entitled to and couldn’t have cared less that they were risking infecting and killing all the locals.
You know. The ones they’re angry at now for not staffing all the restaurants.


SlytherinTargaryen t1_j2mpb9z wrote

It’s all these lazy locals who don‘t want to work anymore who are ruining MY vacations. Six dollars an hour and my five dollar tip is more than enough for them and their pitiful 2k one-bedroom apartments.


SlytherinTargaryen t1_j252ts8 wrote

You got this!
Nah, a lot of people come here from cities thinking we're slow hillbillies for how we drive, and very confidently zoom straight off the road. As long as nobody dies, we kiiiind of think it's hilarious. Deer and black ice come out of NOWHERE up here.
ETA one time in high school my friends and I were taking it slow on the highway in winter when a Mass plate shot by with a middle finger up. Three miles later they had a car full of high schoolers laughing and waving at them as we went by them sitting in the ditch.


SlytherinTargaryen t1_j197zmb wrote

It's also a massive problem that everyone moving in has remote jobs and overpays for housing, flooding out the locals and upending the already difficult housing economy.
That said, yes, Bernie. We love him. We keep voting him in because the vast majority of us agree with him. I also think Brattleboro still has a warrant out on George W. Bush; they announced that if he ever set foot in their town he would be arrested for crimes against the constitution. (The news said it was a joke. The town countered and said it was not a joke.)


SlytherinTargaryen t1_ivac753 wrote

VT native who has also lived in Manhattan. I’ve had two family members and some friends move out of Springfield, right around the time there was a third lockdown at the local grade school because an active shooter had walked across grounds. (Drug house next door.) I know city violence and I know small town violence, and Springfield has escalated far beyond small-town skirmishes. One of my friends literally had her small daughters in active shooter lockdowns twice in one school year.