
SnackyShark t1_jaf1cvo wrote

"Thanks for your concern about my family but I have nothing to say about them right now."

"Oh, can't talk now, I'm busy. Bye." and then walk off.

"I'm not going to discuss them with you any more as you weren't nice about them before."

So being nice is often letting them be dicks. Call them out on it, gently. Sure they'll possibly get uppity about it, but tell them goodbye and walk off. You owe them absolutely nothing even if they are your neighbours, they're not treating you nicely. Don't set yourself on fire so they can be warm.

Build up a stack of these one line answers and pull them out regularly. Stop engaging with them as much as possible. They're being miserable and misery loves company, so don't let them be miserable to you

This is hard as we're conditioned to be nice from a young age, but have some boundaries and stick to them.

Good luck.