
Snoo57923 t1_j9myq0f wrote

I just finished it last night. What was the twist? I assumed that they were organ donors in the first chapter and they said they were clones towards when they went looking Ruth's possible. I thought the best part of the ending was if clones had souls. The symbolism of things lost at the end was very good.


Snoo57923 t1_it79cua wrote

A lot of us have the reading issue that you describe even in this books forum where readers congregate. Sometimes I can read very well and fast and sometimes I read two sentences and my mind wanders off. I say to myself, maybe tomorrow will be a better day for reading. Sometimes this goes on for a week or two. It's what make me me. I don't envy other people's reading abilities. I'm happy just the way I am. It's your reaction to the issue that is causing you anxiety. I'm not a mental health expert by any means, but I'd imagine that your therapist is not going to help make you a better reader. Your therapist will help you deal with not be the reader you want to be.